#DAU 7

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I'm really sorry guys for not uploading any of my story... To be honest, I was really busy with my hectic shedule
Truly sorry guys ....

Let's continue......,


Pranbir reached office and headed to thier respective cabins...

In Abhi's cabin.....,
Vikram, Aaliya and Purab were also present thier ...

Abhi got a call so he received it...

On call...,

ABHI: hello, Abhishek Mehra here

POC: hello Mr. Mehra, I'm the owner of khanna industries ... We have decided to have a meeting, haven't we?

ABHI: yes, mr khanna but you were out of town with your mom so we have postponed it..

POC: yes Mr. Mehra and I'm really sorry for that. But can we have a meeting tomorrow

ABHI: for sure.. I'll tell you my home address you can come there and we can have a meeting at my home itself.

POC: okay what's your house name?

ABHI: M.K Mansion

POC(shocked): m....m.k mansion?

ABHI: yes

POC: okay.... I'll come tomorrow...

They hunged up the call... Abhi was looking a bit confused so vikram asked him about it.

ABHI: when I informed Mr. Khanna about m.k mansion bieng our home he was sounding shocked... I don't know why?

VIKRAM: maybe he know us .. anyways let's inform the kids as well about this...

Abhi nodded and called pranbir and arhana... After few minutes both couples entered there...

PURAB: so we have called you to inform that tomorrow the owner of khanna industries are gonna come at our mansion for the meeting

This shocked both the couples

PRACHI: chucks are you sure Khanna industries hi hai?

AALIYA (with attitude): ofcourse we are sure, and why are you so shocked as if you know the owner beforehand. Oh.. whom am I asking how could you know. Afterall you are just a middle class girl...

She said making everyone angry

PRACHI: no one asked your stupid opinion over here. And I was talking to chucks not you. And don't show me this so called attitude of yours... As I'm not that bitch niece Rhea.. who will tolerate your stupidity

She said making Aaliya fume while arhana and ranbir chuckled

VIKRAM: beta leave her and yeah we are sure that it's khanna industries

PRACHI: okay dad... No problem we will meet them tomorrow

RANBIR: we are at the cafeteria..(clapsing Prachi's hand) come chikchiki

He dragged her out along with arhana

In cafeteria.....,

PRACHI: what wrong with you ranbir?

RANBIR: what's wrong with me ? Like seriously Prachi you are asking me what's wrong?

SHAHANA: Prachi you know very well what happening... Sunny Bhai is the owner of Khanna Industries ... What are we gonna do tomorrow?

ARYAN: yes prachi how will we stop them?

PRACHI: but why we need to stop them?

She said shocking the trio

RANBIR: Prachi are you out of your mind? Tomorrow everyone will come to know the truth

PRACHI (interrupting him): so what's wrong ranbir? I know what I am doing.. bhai informed me that he is gonna come at M.K Mansion, but I wasn't knowing that he will come so soon...

SHAHANA: it means you were aware of this. And everything is prepared?

PRACHI: yup! And soon that Aaliya Mehra will be out of our live.

ARYAN: and I will be living with my mom for forever.

Pranbir and Shahana smiled at him.... And then head back towards thier cabin...

Soon everyone completed thier work and went back home.....

In M.K Mansion....,
Both couples came and ranged from the bell, and the useless fellow uff Rhea came and opened the door...

They give her a bad look and went in.. while Rhea fumed....

RANBIR: mom... We are back...
PALLAVI: beta go and get fresh then we will have dinner
PRAGYA: and this goes for everyone...

Everyone nodded and went to thier respective rooms

In Pranbir's Room...,

As soon as the entered ranbir pinned Prachi to the wall....
PRACHI: ranbir what on earth are you doing?
RANBIR (coming close): I'm trying to romance with my wife... In car you said we are getting late or someone can see us... Now no one will see and we are also not getting late .... So..,
PRACHI (encircling her hands around his neck): so you want to come close and do romance right?(he nodded while she chuckled) continue.. I won't stop you

(A/n here Prachi is a bit bold but not much)

Ranbir became happy and kissed her forhead, nose tip, both cheeks, corner of the lips and then went towards her jawline... He peperred many wet kisses on her jawline, collorbone and then at her neck...

He found her sweet spot and nibbled on it resulting a moan from Prachi... He smiled and continued his sweet torture... He nibbled harder on her sweet spot
PRACHI (moaning a bit loudly): aah...ranbir ....aaah

He sucked the part reducing her pain and muttered a 'sorry' .. she nodded in no and hugged him out of shyness.... He too wrapped his hands around her...

After a minute or two they departed from the hug... Prachi's cheeks were painted red.. ranbir noticed it and chuckled
PRACHI: ranbir let's get fresh and move downstairs
RANBIR: okay fine I'll continue my romance later on ...

She blushed like anything and then both got freshed and went downstairs for dinner...

I'm so sorry for not uploading...
Here's a new chapter
Hope so you guys have enjoyed it!

Do tell me what punishment should aaliya get? 🤔
I know many of you are confused how did Aryan know about all this....
So you will know it in upcoming chapters .. I'll explain everything in flashback or in dialogue


Signing off.
Writer- GV 🙂

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