#DAU 9

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Sorry for not updating.. I was really busy
So continuing....,

Same night..,
A bit mature content ahead:
In Pranbir's Room..

Prachi was enjoying the view near the window just then ranbir came from washroom shirtless and Backhugged her.

She smiled feeling his touch and leaned on his shoulder, placing her hand in his which were on here waist.

RANBIR, keeping chin on her shoulder: what are you doing here?

PRACHI: nothing

He 'hmm' and slide her hair to one side and placed a kiss on her neck. She shivered at this. He continued giving few wet kisses in her neck as she arched her neck to give him more access.

He bite at her sweet spot resulting a moan from Prachi. She tightened her grip on his hand. He sucked the part to reduce the pain.

He then turned her around, this moment she saw he was shirtless.
PRACHI, closing her eyes: ranbir.. why are you shirtless?

RANBIR: just like that. And you open your eyes. What's the need to close them? You are my wife (huskily in her ears) and only you have the right to see me like this.

With this he bit her earlobe and sucked it. He moved back to look at her and she opened her eyes. Both shared an eyelock.

Ranbir came back to senses first and pulled her close by waist making her gain her sence back. He leaned towards her with his gaze on her lips. She followed his gaze and looked on expectingly.

He noticed her reaction and leaned more close and captured her lips. She closed her eyes feeling his lips on hers. Both were sucking each other's lips and was moving thier face at different directions to get better access.

He picked her up in his arms and she wrapped her legs around his waist. He brought her to the bed without broking the kiss and made her lay there and himself come upon her.

He broke the kiss and both were breathing heavily. She opened her eyes. He again captured her lips within a minute and this time it was way too much pasionately. She tried to respond back but he was kissing her wildly. Ranbir slide his hand insite the nighty and carsed her waist making her gasp. He took it as an advantage and plugged his tounge in her mouth. He was completely dominating her. After what felt like eternity, he broke the kiss..

PRACHI, while breathing heavily: I love you ranbir..

RANBIR: i love you too my love

He burried his face in the crook of the neck and started kissing, biting and sucking her neck. All she can do is to just moan.

He slid her nighty from her shoulder and started biting and kissing hugrily..
PRACHI (moan): aa...aa..ra..ranbir slow...slow..down...plz...aah..

He slowed down and sucked to reduce her pain. Prachi switched thier position and came upon him. She went towards his neck and kissed it, bit it and sucked it. She went to his chest and peperred kisses over there as well. He was enjoying the pleasure given by her.

PRACHI: we should sleep now... Tomorrow is a big day

RANBIR: indeed it is.. or else, I won't stopped and would make love to you

Blushing, PRACHI: shut up ranbir... And sleep

She said and rested her head on his chest and soon both drifted in to sleep.

She said and rested her head on his chest and soon both drifted in to sleep

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Mature content end
Next morning..,
Ranbir woke up first to see prachi sleeping on him... He smiled and carsed her hair and pecked her head. She stirred in sleep and woke up only to find Ranbir looking at her lovingly.

Prachi; sitting properly : good morning hubby

Ranbir; sitting beside her: morning wifey!!

Both soon got ready and went downstairs.

Everyone were already present thier..

Pranbir; together : good morning everyone..
Others to greeted them and prachi went to make breakfast..

After sometime when she was arranging the breakfast someone rang the doorbell...

Pallavi went to open the door and it was ....


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