#DAU 20

734 39 13

The entire family was discussing about where should the marriage take place. At last, they thought to pick up any place of their choice and one will be finalised among them.

Pragya: alright, so let's start up now.. Mom you go first

Kokila: my place, amritsar

Vansh: Agra!

Pragya: mine is.. Kasauli

Krish: kinderland!!!

All laughed at the little toddler.

Prachi: me, Udaipur

Ranbir: wohoo.. Me too same

Shahana: mine too udaipur

Aryan/Arav/Avni: same here.

Rest to agreed, including the to be weds and it got finalised that wedding will take place at Udaipur.

Pallavi: how about this, let Ranbir and Prachi go there before us, stay there a week and then start the preparation of marriage. And then we all will go

Ranbir: but mom, what will we do for whole one week?

Vikram: my dear foolish son, your mother is sending you and your wife on a honeymoon!

Prachi's eyes widened listening this and cheeks got red. Ranbir smiled ear to ear. Rhea was hell angry.

Mishti: that would be great! Their honeymoon and our marriage.. Who knows I'll get a news of being bua on my marriage day itself!

Pranbir looked at her with wide eyes. Rest laughed loud.

Prachi: di! You speak anything!

Sunny: what anything.. Prachi, come on.. Just agree and ger ready to fly to Udaipur.

The couple agreed at the end. Rhea stood up angrily and broke a vase in anger. All stood up. She was about to go from there huffing in anger,but pragya gripped her arm.

Pragya: where do you think, you are going after breaking this vase. Clean it off, now!

Her voice was stern, but Rhea was already too angry to listen to her.

Rhea, jerks her hand: I'm not any servant of this house that i will clean it up.

Purab: the servants are busy in preparing dinner, plus you broke it deliberately so now.. Clean it yourself.

He brought a broom and a dustbin and gave her.

Rhea, shouts: I'm not gonna do

Pragya: oh.. My dear daughter, you have to do. Arav..

She sighed arav and he took krish inside a room, followed by avni.

Alia: enough pragya, stop it now.. I'm telling you, or else acha nahi hoga..

Prachi: oh really.. Looks like bullet wound got recovered.

Alia recalls prachi shooting her and gets scared.

Abhi: shut up prachi. Have sone manners when you talk. She is your bua. And pragya, I agree Rhea did it intentionally but leave it na. Bachii hai.. And she must be feeling hurt

Vansh: bachi? From which angle? A girl of 24 years..is a kid? A girl who plans her own sister's accident is a kid? She is a pure evil person and not at all innocent soul. So, shut up

Disha: you have made her sit on your head by tolerating her all nuisance behaviour, and now she dances there. And you, Rhea.. Clean it now.

Rhea: I won't!

Pragya gripped her arm harshly making her wince and pushed her on the ground. She hissed as her knees got hurt a lil

Rhea: mom!

Pragya, sternly: clean!

With tears flowing down her eyes, Rhea started picking up pieces of broken vase and putting them in the dustbin. A glass piece pierced her hand making it bleed.

Rhea: aah

All got worried but didn't showed it except Alia and Abhi. They both tried to help Rhea but were stopped by Shahana and Aryan respectively.

Abhi: leave me Aryan. See she us hut. Rhea is also your sister.. How can you do this!

Aryan: can you please be quite. Let her do her work.

Rhea cleaned the floor and rushed to her room crying. Abhi and Alia went behind her. As soon as they left,a lone pair of tear which Pragya was holding back since long.. Escaped down her eyes.

Vansh held her hand and sighed her. She was sad but knew that rhea should be on correct paths soon now.

A room,

Krish was now sleeping and Arav-Avni were sitting on a couch in balcony. Arav moved a little ahead and hugged her from behind. She gasped but let him be.

Arav: don't you think what happened downstairs, was wrong. I mean, I know rhea di is not good, she should be taught a lesson.. But I felt bad for her.

Avni: I agree to you aru.. But I hope she will soon turn to good. And pragya aunty must also be feeling bad.

Arav: hmm.. My mumma can't see us in pain. I have seen her sad after punishing prachi didu in childhood.

Avnu: di was mischievous?

Arav: very..

They chuckled. Arav leaned in and ran his nose over her shoulder making her breath hitched. He began moving up towards her neck.

Avni, stammers: ar.. Aru..

Arav: yes avi..

Avni: what are.. Are you doing?

Arav, places a kiss on her shoulder: don't you know

He again went to her neck and moves her hairs aside. Avni suddenly turns facing him.

Avni: control Mr. Rai Singhania.. Control

Arav, frowns: this is not fair

Avni, crooked an eye brow at him: do you want to be a father before being married?

Arav, winks at her: I won't mind it.. But we need to deal with the family then

Now, avni was all red. Arav burts into fits of laughter. She frowned knowing he was teasing her all the while and stood up to leave.

Arav held her hand and pulled her, resulting her to land up directly on his lap. She tried to get up but he didn't let her.

Avni: lemme go

Arav: never. And.. Im sorry. I was just teasing naa..

She pouts at him and looks away. He made her to face him and captures her lips in a kiss. She was stunned at first but then kisses him back slowly..

They gets busy among themselves.. Forgetting about the little baby sleeping on the bed inside with pillow surrounding him.

That's all...

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