#DAU 23

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At night,

Ranbir and Prachi's room,

Both were cuddling into each other. Prachi was telling him about how much happy mishti was on herself selecting a wedding gown which was really damn amazing.

But Ranbir wasn't listening to her properly. His mind was stuck at Pragya's words.

Prachi saw him not focussing on her and zoning out and lightly slap his cheek. He got back to sense.

Ranbir: ouch.. What's this!

Prachi: where are you zoning out Mr. Ranbir Kohli!?

Ranbir: Aree.. Woh nothing.

Prachi: Ranbir.. This is not done na. We share everything with each other. And I'm your wife, I know something is disturbing you. Tell me

Ranbir gets up and sits on the bed. She too sat up.

Ranbir: woh.. It's pragya maa

Prachi, confused: maa? What about her? As much a I know my mother, she loves troubling dad.. How does it concerns you?

She giggled at Ranbir who looked at her in disbelief. He was tensed here as to how to talk to Prachi and she was kidding here..

Prachi: okay.. Okay.. Sorry.. You speak

Ranbir: woh today Rhea came to talk to you in mall, right?

Prachi frowned listening the name of her younger evil twin but still nodded.

Ranbir: Maa heard your talks and she wants that I.. I should make you understand that Rhea is changing.

Prachi frowned more and got slightly angry. Along with that, she was also disappointed by her mother.

Prachi: let me talk to maa tomorrow about this. She needs to keep her 'maa ki mamta' in a corner and should understand that Rhea is really a selfish girl nothing else.

Ranbir: don't do anything tomorrow. It's di and bhai' engagement.

Prachi: alright.. But.. Just as a second thought, what do you think about Rhea?

Ranbir was taken aback by her words..

Ranbir: excuse me? What do you mean?

Prachi: I mean ki.. What do you think? Is this Rhea changing?

Ranbir: don't know. I saw her distancing herself from Alia buji today.. And she is not creating any problem too, nor she is being clingy to me.. So even I don't know what to speak.

Prachi: hmm.. But I don't trust this girl.

Ranbir: even I don't. So let's do this, let's be calm till this wedding gets completed. But we will also keep an eye on Rhea all the whole so that we will know whether she is changing or not.. Okay? Then after marriage will talk about this.

Prachi: yeah.. You are right. Okay, will do this..

Ranbir: great.. Let's sleep now. Come

He lays on bed and takes her in his arms. They cuddled each other and slept tight.

Alia's room,

Alia was talking on call with someone or rather planning something.. She was standing near the mirror applying the moisturizer cream and talking via ear pods.

After the talk was done, she hanged up the call.

Alia, thinks: this marriage will be really memorable for everyone.. Specially that Sunny.. And of course that little brat Mishti who dared to speak so much against me. I'll for sure teach her this lesson.. And then comes my dear Prachi.. (She laughs) poor girl loves her mother and husband so much.. She won't even understand when I'll snatch both of them from her....

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