#DAU 26

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Let's continue with this..

Everyone had their dinner and were content that the problem flying over Mishti's head is now nowhere to be seen. Pallavi thanked Prachi and had blessed her alot.

But, Prachi was still a little tensed. She was currently sitting at the pool area when Ranbir came with two beer cans 🍺 and sat beside her. He passed her one and both took a sip from their respective cans.

The silence was broken when Prachi chuckled suddenly making Ranbir to look at her.

Ranbir: what!

Prachi: you remember, it was me who used to stop you from drinking.. And here it's me myself who is drinking this beer with you.

Ranbir, wraps an arm around her and pulls her close: my dear wife.. Drinking sometimes is of no harm, we both know that well. So just chill and you needed one to calm your head which is full of tension.

Prachi: how can I not be tense Ranbir. I'm sure that Alia Mehra won't sit quietly. She is a bitch and until she destroy us, she won't get peace.

Ranbir: are we any less? We can handle her for sure. Always remember wifey, till the moment we all are one, no one can ever separate us.. Okay?

He entangled their hands and she nodded at him and placed her lips on his. He responded to the kiss and both ravished each other's mouth tasting the taste of beer that they have just gulped down.

Ranbir broke the kiss being put of breath and she laid her head on his shoulder, snuggling into him. He held her tight as they continued to gulp their drinks 🍻.

Later after some time, they moved to their room, both being a little intoxicated. Ranbir laid her on bed and came on her after locking the door. Both smiled at each other before he snuggled in her neck and that they let the sleep engulf them.

Next morning...

It was the day for Haldi Ceremony and the wedding was gonna happen at the night time itself. The decorations were done already.

In Mishti's room, she was sitting on the dressing table, dressed in a normal comfortable clothes drying her wet hairs as she just stepped out of shower.

Someone knocked on the door. She gave the permission and the person came in. She looked at the door and saw her to be husband their. They smiled at each other as he came to her after closing the door.

He stood behind her and took the dryer confusing her.

Sunny: let me do it.

Mishti: it's fine.. I'll do neh

Sunny: still.. Let me have a little experience.

He winked at her making her blush. He dried her hairs and then placed the dryer back after switching it off and kneeled in front of her.

Mishti, softly: what's the thing?

Sunny: nothing..

He took her hands in his and saw the color which has turned the darkest shade. He was surprised.

Mishti: even I was this much surprise when I saw the color. (Teasingly) maybe my husband loves me alot.

It was his time to blush. She caress his hairs and made him to look at her. She placed her lips on his forehead making him forget everything. He closed his eyes feeling her lips. He opened them only when she moved back.

Sunny: can i search my name in this?

Mishti: sure.. Go ahead!

He began the mission of #naamdhundo . And after taking a long time of 10 minutes. He finally spotted it.

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