#DAU 15

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So continuing

PALLAVI, to pragya: why is shahana calling u mom?

DISHA: wait pallavi, if there will be something they will tell us, maybe not bow but when the time comes they will tell for sure..but fir now, Prachi, what about this alia. What should we do with her as she have done phd in crimes..

PRACHI: about this alia, we need to think.. What do you all think what should we do with her.

EVERYONE: just kill her 😂😂

Prachi laughed loud at this while alia was shocked.

RANBIR: no no prachi, don't take laws in your hands. If you will kill her, then cops will arrest you and (he backhugged her) I don't want my wife to go away from me. (Kissed her cheek)

She blushed and nodded.
PRACHI, to alia: for now, I'm sparing you. But if you ever did any such thing or plotted anything against us. Just see what I'll do with you.

Everyone looked at her shocked, surprise, confused.

ARYAN: seriously prachi? You are sparing this woman?

PRAGYA: prachi, just tell me what's cooking in your mind. Because both you and he are same, you both never do anything which don't have any reason behind it. So now, just tell me why are you sparing this bitch..

ABHI: about whom are you talking?

PRACHI: not interested in giving you answer. And maa just wait and watch. These mehras are not gonna be in peace for long 😈😈

She said with a devil smirk. All understood that she is gonna do something and we're curious about that. While mehra's were tensed now.

SUNNY: now as everything is sort, can we talk about the deal. And be professional as I don't like to mix my personal and professional life. (Eying mehra)

ARYAN: bhai, kar lena business ki baat but first anwer me. What was the need to bring this headache over here (pointing towards avu)

SUNNY: who even wants to bring this crackhead. Mom brought her here.. (She frowns)

AVNI: What problem do you both have with me? Why are you guys always behind me

ARYAN: coz u, miss nakchadi only know to do one thing, and that's to eat our brain.

AVNI: you ..you call me nakchadi.. You ugly donkey.. Wait I'm not gonna spare you today

She started chasing him. Everyone were laughing at them.

ARYAN: come on nakchadi catch me if you can.. Opps you got small legs 🤏🤏

AVNI: you ugly donkey, just wait

She finally caught him and started hitting him with the pillow. Everyone laughed loud at them. Disha came to avni and stopped her.

DISHA: Avu enough now. How much are you gonna trouble my son.

Avni's jaw dropped, while rest giggles. Aryan hugged disha and showed avni his tongue. She frowns and look at other side in anger. Purab came there and side hugged her.

PURAB: don't worry babygurll, you dad is there for you

Avni got happy and hugged purab tightly who happily reciprocated. Disha, aryan and sunny too joined the hug.

Everyone were happy seeing the family getting fine. Except for those 3 fools.

After a family group hug, they sat on the sofa and started to talk about the deal. The Kohli, Mehra and purab were amazed seeing how profesionally prachi and sunny were behaving. And how determined they both were.

After they signed the deal. Everyone went to thier room to take some rest as they don't have much work in office today. Sunny, disha and avni also shifted there.

Arhana were spending time with each other. They were near the window, talking with each other.

ARYAN: you have no idea shahana, how much happy I'm today. And all this happiness is because of you. If you wouldn't have told me the truth then ye sab nhi hota. Thanku.. Thanku so much..

SHAHANA, kissed his hands: don't thank me aryan. You had suffered so much, because of alia mehra. And after knowing the truth, how can i let u be in dark, that's why I did all this. And the main thing is that, I wanted u to be happy. U r happy now, right?

He nodded and leaned closer and slowly captured her lips. She closed her eyes, kissing him slowly with her hands at his neck. They kissed each other slowly and then joined thier forehead breathing heavily.

He caressed her cheek and she just hug him out of shyness. He smiled at this and hugged her back, kissing her head.

They spent some time together!!

Ranbir was backhuging prachi, while she was playing with his fingers sitting on his lap on the sofa in the balcony.

RANBIR, keeping his chin on her shoulder: wifey, (she hummed) just tell me one thing about whom pragya ma was talking? And why did shahana called her mom?

PRACHI, turned to him: well, no one knows answer of this question. Not even disha maasi, and everyone will get to know together itself.. But not now. There's still time for that.

RANBIR: okay fine, I won't force you. Btw, what are you upto? You didn't even handle alia mehra to the cops and u didn't even gave her any punishment or something kind of that. What's cooking in his head of yours?

PRACHI, smirked: my dear husband. For that u need to wait, but one thing is sure that the entire mehra family is gonna pay for every tear that had escaped my ma eyes, because of them.

RANBIR:ok ok fine, calm down. Btw.. How did u felt when I kissed u in front of everyone.

Sh blushed hard and slapped his chest.
PRACHI: you shouldn't have, I was so embarrassed

RANBIR: ah.. Ha.. Is that so.. Then fine, here it's just you and me.. So..

With that he made her look at him and immediately started kissing her. She too responded after few seconds. He slided his hands on her waist and then took it up caressing her bare back. She moaned at it and her entered his tongue, tasting her. They broke the kiss breathing heavily. He snuggled in her neck and chest. While she caressed his hairs smiling.

That's enough for now..
Guys idk whether I write that bad that I barely get votes and comments on my stories.
Plus on my short stories, not a single person asked for any part that they want me to write..
Do I seriously write that bad?? I'm highly disappointed now..


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