#DAU 17

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ABHI, lost his control on anger: enough is enough... Stop all this. Band karo apna ye tamasha..

Pragya asked arav to take Krish at the garden side..so he took the little kid and went.

PRAGYA, shouts back: it's not any tamasha. Tamasha nahi hai yeh!! It's reality. The reality that I am married to Vansh. He is my husband and you..just an ex.

ABHI: enough pragya. Just stop this now. Look, I know we are divorced. But we got divorced just months ago,right? That means even if you married him... It's a non valid marriage.

PRACHI: my parents were married when I was just 6 months old. I agree at that time you and maa were not divorced,but when I was 5 years old, your sister had kidnapped me and forcefully made maa sign the divorce papers. At that time ,we were in India due to some work ,so she thought we are middle class.

SHAHANA: after that, mom and dad married again.. so they have a valid marriage. Maa had to marry you just because of the goons that were present near the temple. Or else.. she was not even interested in doing that stupid thing

PRAGYA: Alia never did any thing correct, except from this. ( To Alia) thankyou dear

Abhi was glaring Alia murderously who gulped down.

KOKILA: I hope that now you all might have understood that my son and daughter-in-law had a valid marriage.

ABHI: I don't accept this marriage.

RANBIR: your acceptance doesn't count chief.

DIDA: Ranbir is right.

Abhi was fuming in anger. Pragya called the head servant there.

PRAGYA: keep vansh's luggage in my room and please clean 3 rooms for others.

SERVANT: the rooms are ready as prachi mam told us to do this. I'll shift the luggage.

He went taking the luggage while pragya looked at prachi surprised.

PRAGYA: you knew,that they are coming?

PRACHI: yes.. ofcourse!!

VANSH: now don't ask why she didn't told you.. we wanted to give you surprise babes..

Pragya smiled at him while abhi fumed listening babes.. soon they all dispersed into their room .

Later after the dinner..,
Pransh room..,

Mature content:-
Vansh was lying on pragya kissing her passionately,while their clothes were lying on the floor and a bedsheet was covering their intimate parts.

He broke the kiss and both breathed heavily. He went down and directly went to her soft spot and began kissing her there. She clutched his hairs and moaned softly. He bite her spot, leaving a mark there.

He spread her legs with his and started rubbing her down there. She threw her head back and moaned in pure bliss. He indulged himself in kissing her breast while his other hand worked professionally on her core..

PRAGYA: ahh.. vansh..

She arched her back in pleasure and shouted loudly as she came undone on his fingers. He moved his finger away from her skin and she took deep breaths to control herself.

Vansh looked at her with pure love reflecting in his eyes. He moved down and kissed her forehead lovingly. She smiled and took him in a kiss.

Once the kiss was done, he positioned himself at her entrance and penetrated her as slow as possible. She winced due to the tightness that was created as they didn't made love since more than two years.

Once she was adjust, he began moving inside her: as deep as he could go. Her eyes rolled back at the pleasure filled feeling that she was recieving from her husband.

The soon reached their climax and screamed loudly. He rested his head on her chest, while she caressed his hairs and pecked them.

End of mature content..
He took her in his arms after laying beside her and cuddled her. He pecked her forehead and patted her head. She soon dozed off.

He slowly placed her back on the bed and stepped down. He weared his underwear and trouser. He then took his shirt and made her wear it. Then slept beside her.

She just came out taking shower only to find Aryan sitting on the bed. She looked at him being shocked and quickly went to the door and locked it.

SHAHANA: are you mad! What if someone saw you here...at this late!!

ARYAN, pinning her to the nearest wall: what will they say? Everyone knows that we both love each other. They even agreed for our relationship.

SHAHANA: but still..it's too late now

ARYAN: I don't think so...

He said and leaned towards her lips and captured them. She too answered it equally.

Shahana broke the kiss,while he picked her up in bridal style and laid her in the bed. He came upon her while she turned nervous.

SHAHANA, nervous: ar..Aryan!?

ARYAN: shh... I'm not doing anything. Let's sleep together n. I want this..please

She nodded trusting him and they slept together for the first time cuddling into each other.

That's all .
I know this was a small one..
But bear it guys .
Tomorrow it's chemistry practical exam... Need to do preparation for it..

See you all..
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