#DAU 27

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So everyone, this is the last part of this story and I received a msg on the day when I uploaded the second last part that my ending is as similar as some other story.. Is that so?

Because guys, first of the thing the reader didn't even read the story properly and was saying that I made Abhi all negative from start and then suddenly normal and positive just like some other story.. But that's not the thing na.. The thing is that since Sarla maa made Abhi understand his mistake, he is behaving well.

I'm just upset that some readers don't even read properly and only want twist scenes that too as soon as possible. This reader was someone among the people who once was eager for my updates on this story and now asks when is it gonna end!!?? Like seriously! I respect your eagerness to some plots of my other stories but that doesn't mean you can just disrespect my other stories like this and hurt my emotions too naa...

I'm sorry to say all this publicly here, but this was not acceptable. You can't just ask for interesting plots of other stories and nag on them.. Anyways.. Thanks for ruining my mood for the ending of my very first story, my dear friend..


Let's start the chapter...

The priest asked them to stand for the seven rounds. They stood up and Sunny was about to take a step ahead when a voice caught his and everyone's attention and all laughing faces, smiling faces turned into worried ones..

"Mumma" Came a crying voice of a small baby. They looked at the direction only to see Krish crying. His face was red due to crying.

Alia was holding him and a gun was pointed on his head.

"Mumma.. Dadda.. Didu.. " He cried for them as Alia pressed his neck hurting him and smirking at the family.

"Krish!!" They shouted, and took a step ahead but a gun shot is heard halting them.. All were shocked. Pragya and Vansh stumbled.

Alia had shot in air and now had placed the gun once again at the top of Krish. Pragya and Vansh were highly scared tensed, and what not seeing their little baby like this..

Kokila: Alia! What the hell are you doing! Leave my grandson now!!

Abhi: Alia have you gone mad or what.. Leave him or else no one will be worse than me

Alia, shouts: oh just shut up bhai.. I'm not a fool like you. You accepted this Pragya and Vansh's relation, befriended them.. And now shouting on me for this brat of theirs!? I'm not stupid like what you are. This bitch Pragya and Prachi took away my Purab from me.. They made Rhea against me.. They now took you as well on their side and made me all alone.. I'm not gonna spare them at any cost!!

Pragya: Alia please.. Please leave my son. You have enmity with me and Prachi na.. Talk to us. Deal with us.. But please leave my son

She cries for her son. Vansh holds her and was glaring Alia. He can't bear the tears in his wife's eyes.. Never ever damn it!

Alia: wow.. I can't tell you Pragya how much peace I'm getting by seeing you like this.. I swear!

Prachi: just shut up Alia.. And leave krish Or else trust me, kal sirf acid ke saamne tumhara chehra tha.. Aaj tumhe acid se nhila dungi main..

Alia gulped listening her. She was the only one who can make Alia scared as Alia too knew that Prachi is a women of her words.. She can go to extreme extend..

Alia, trying to not show her scary state: oh.. J.. Just sh.. Shut up you bitch. Can't you see that this brat of yours is in my hand.. Just once if I move my hand in a way and twist his neck.. You have to say good bye to this brat for forever..

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