Then You Rolled in Without Warning

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Brantley's POV

Whipping my truck into the church parking lot, I muttered a silent prayer that I could slip in and not face the wrath of my mama for being late. The bus pulled in later than I planned on leaving me only time to grab a quick cat nap before the alarm blared, which I did snooze a couple of times, to let me know to get up for church. I jumped out of the truck shoving my keys in my pocket as my foot hit the bottom of the steps. Hearing the opening hymn, I gently opened the door hoping to slide in undetected knowing Mama sat about halfway through the building.

With a swift nod at the ushers at the back, I hurried down the aisle just as the choir was hitting their stride on "What A Friend We Have in Jesus" before sliding into the end of the pew beside my sister-in-law hearing a quiet laugh from my brother. I glared at him then ducked my head sheepishly seeing Mama's lips purse when she tapped her watch. Kolby smothered a snicker behind his hand earning him an elbow to the ribs from Hannah and Mama both. A soft smack landed in the back of my head making me turn around as Nana tugged my hat off my head with a raised eyebrow. Oops forgot to take that off.

I felt exhaustion from this tour run this spring and summer start to soak into my bones. But after being home the better part of last year it was a welcome feeling. Settling into the pew with my niece Wynter curled up in my lap after she had vacated her Daddy's lap for Uncle B's, because let's face it I am the favorite, I glanced around as the preacher started his message. I am sure it was an excellent sermon but drowsiness was not on my side right now.

I should be ashamed to admit that my niece and I both were snoozing during the sermon and I hadn't even realized it until I guess I let out a soft snore about the time the preacher was making his closing remarks because Hannah elbowed my side hard making me jerk. I glanced over at her seeing a raised eyebrow followed by a chuckle from my brother.

When we were asked to rise for closing prayer, I stood to my feet cradling Wynter in my arms clenching my jaw to smother a yawn. When we were dismissed I passed my niece off to her daddy, bent down giving Nana a kiss on the cheek taking my hat back from her then fell in step with my brother following the crowd out. Reaching the front door, I stopped behind Mama speaking to the preacher shaking his hand getting a wink from him letting me know he knew I had conked out during the sermon. Something tugged at me line of vision out of the corner of my eye making me head whip around so fast I stumbled. A swirl of a blue flowered skirt that flashed long tan legs. Curled honey blonde hair dusting over shoulders. Kolby grabbed my arm as I shook my head knowing damn good and well I was seeing things.

"B?" he asked with concern in his eyes. "You okay?"

"Yea," I said shaking my head pulling my keys out of my pocket. "Just tired. Pretty sure I was hallucinating."

"Huh?" Kolby asked confused. I absently shrugged. "You sure you are okay bro?"

"Just need some sleep," I said glancing over at Mama talking to one of the ladies in her Sunday school class. "Tell Mama I'll come by later. I need to go crash."

I made my way to my truck with intent of getting home and crashing. But after making it home and trudging up the stairs of my empty house my mind was whirling. Tugging my shirt off as I walked in my room tossing my hat towards the dresser completely missing but reminding myself I would pick it up later I stripped down before yanking the comforter back and sliding onto the cool sheets. I needed sleep for three or four days. Luckily I had a couple of weeks home letting myself catch up on some rest and things around here.

Willing my mind to shut down, I tried to stop letting it wonder about someone I had not thought about in a long, long time. Closing my eyes, I could see her standing there in the rain that dreary October day twelve years ago. Even as messed up as I was then, I thought I was protecting her from what I was becoming. Heaven knows it got worse after that. Last I had heard because Ashley would never talk about her with me, she had transferred from UGA right after that to Bama running away I knew.

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