My Kind of Crazy

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Savannah's POV

I sat with my legs curled up underneath me on the couch scrolling through house listings on my iPad. While I appreciated it, staying with my parents' or Nana was not long term for me. We had gotten back from Birmingham yesterday from getting my stuff packed up. It had taken two days but it was done. Whitley had flown back to Houston from there leaving me and Ashley to road trip back with PJ. Which meant we had drank the entire way back singing at the top of our lungs. Everything from Spice Girls to Skynyrd. Pretty sure Brantley and Eli owed him a vacation for that. Thinking about B telling me more about some of the songs he has written, I smiled remembering the look of awe on his face when I'd shyly presented him with that guitar on our first anniversary. Still all these years later I could see the moment that inspired "My Kind of Crazy".

"Are you fucking kidding me!" Brantley yelled from the living room making me roll my eyes snickering just a little at him fussing at a ref during the UGA/LSU game on the TV. Normally we probably would be sitting in the student section on campus, but the game was in Baton Rouge this weekend. I grabbed the beers I'd gone into the kitchen after of the house he was renting and walked back out hearing him cussing and muttering underneath his breath about a bad call. With a quiet laugh, I snuck a glance at the guitar I bought him for our anniversary last weekend thinking about the look on his face. Now he knew why I had picked up so many extra shifts at the end of summer right before my first semester of college started. Sitting the beers down on the side table, I rubbed a finger over the emerald earrings he had gotten me then grabbed the guitar moving in front of him. I heard a low growl as I blocked the view of the TV.

"Baby," Brantley growled shaking a long finger at me in warning. "Move out of the damn way please. I am trying to watch the end of the game."

"Nah rockstar," I teased turning the guitar in my hands completely knowing I had it upside down just to mess with him. I shook my hips like I was Elvis singing a Tim McGraw song at the top of my lungs completely off key, but the booming laugh let me know I had succeeded in my mission.

"Rock on baby," he chuckled pulling his cigarette lighter out of his pocket waving it around. "I'd rather watch you anyway." A moment or two later as I shook my ass singing closer to him, he grabbed the guitar with one hand and me with his free arm sitting it to the side and tumbling me into his lap. A glance at the screen showed the game was over as I curled up in his lap content as could be. He pointed at the screen shaking his head nuzzling his face into the side of my neck grazing the teeth across it. "You know darlin, you are gonna have to marry me after making me miss that game winning touchdown."

"You are so full of shit," I said with a snort rolling my eyes snatching his hat and turning it backward on my head looping my arms around his neck. "You are not serious B."

"Hmmm maybe," he chuckled kissing my cheek with a mischievous grin. "Maybe not, but you could move in with me. You are here most nights when I am home anyways."

"Daddy would kill me," I laughed shaking my head then stopped seeing the seriousness in his eyes. The complete vulnerability there proved to me that he wasn't messing around. "You mean it don't you."

"I do," Brantley whispered kissing me softly. "Talked to your dad about it the other day. He and your mama are okay with it."

"Oh," I said the shock in my voice before a big smile spread across my lips. "Well, I guess the answer is yes then."

Arms wrapping around me as the couch shifted with the weight of someone else sitting down, I looked over my shoulder at Brantley studying me with a smile.
"What are you in such deep thought about Savvy?" he asked resting his head on my shoulder raising a hand to scroll through some of the listings I had narrowed my search down to. A quiet hum vibrated against the skin of my shoulder. "Hmm... still looking at houses. Don't know why you are even bothering to look baby."

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