Lights of My Hometown

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Savannah's POV

I rolled over feeling the heat from the sun warm my face pulling a low moan from me. A quiet laugh made my eyes fly open seeing Nana holding a cup of coffee. The smelled made my stomach turn and my mouth water needing that caffeine boost. I slowly sat up wincing as my head began to pound reaching for the cup of coffee.

"What the hell did I do last night Nana?" I rasped taking a sip and at the evil grin on her face mine fell. "No."

"Well," she drawled passing over the bottle of Tylenol with a snicker. "We all assume you lost your temper. It is what you said you were gonna do but after we dropped you off, I am not sure."

"Dropped me off?" I asked furrowing my brow so hard my eyebrows were probably touching the I turned pale as a memory flashed. "How did I get here?"

"Brantley drove you here," she said with a huge grin as my stomach turned. "I mean you looked quite content curled up in his arms. He didn't look any worse for wear, so I guess you didn't kill him. What exactly happened Savannah Avery?"

"I don't want to talk about it Nana," I grumbled pushing up from the couch walking into the kitchen. When I glanced towards my parents' house, I saw the truck in the driveway making me close my eyes. Well time to go face the music. Quite literally.

Later on that day, I am walking through downtown Jefferson with my sunglasses firmly in place showing Connor around. His excitement over the wedding wasn't filtering over to me like it had in the past. Right now, I was regretting giving in to Mama's idea to get married here at home. I should have planned a destination wedding far, far away from Jefferson, GA. Lifting our joined hands up to kiss the back of my knuckles, Connor smiled down at me on the sidewalk pulling me closer.

"Just think sweetheart," he said with a chuckle wrapping his arms around me and leaning down to peck my lips. "Rehearsal tomorrow evening then the next day we will be married."

"Yay," I said forcing cheeriness into my voice. The door to the hardware store opened making Connor lift his head about the time someone accidentally bumped me from behind.

"Shit, I am sorry," they rumbled as I turned around. I was greeted with a broad grin when he lifted his tattooed hand pulling his shades down. It was the other figure beside him that made me go rigid. "Hey Savvy."

"Hey Ko, good to see you," I said leaning into his one-armed hug as I got a curt nod from his brother. "Brantley." The brothers gave us a wave then headed down the street. Connor yanked on my hand looking down at me with wide eyes. "What?"

"Well, I thought I had heard it," he said in an excited voice. Ah shit was my fiancé about to fangirl over my ex. Kill me now. There was no amount of coffee or pain relievers that was going to help with this. "But I didn't know it was true that he lived here. Why didn't you tell me you knew Brantley Gilbert?"

"Oh that," I said swallowing deeply shrugging my shoulders to cover up how uncomfortable this was making me. A hole could open up on the sidewalk swallowing me and I would be happy as a clam. "BG's best friend is married to my cousin Ashley. We all ran in the same circles when I lived here. No one really makes as big deal out of it because they give him his privacy."

"Ah," Connor said with a quiet laugh nodding his head as we started to walk again. "That is completely understandable. Plus, I know you don't listen to a lot of country music too and being gone for so long you wouldn't be as up to date." I flashed him a forced smile because he was halfway right. I avoided country music when I could especially give our proximity to Georgia but it wasn't because I don't like it. I just try to actively avoid hearing a certain voice. I drifted back to the last time I ever heard him sing as we walked through downtown.

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