Runaway Bride

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Brantley's POV

"B," Eli said from behind me turning my attention away from placing the last few things I needed in my saddlebags. The haunting concern was driving me crazy, but I didn't have the heart to admonish him for it right now because he was just being a good friend. At first I thought accepting the request to sing at the reception was a good thing trying to make amends for all the hurt I'd caused. But after last night and feeling that connection still there the moment, her lips touched mine; I knew I couldn't do it. I couldn't watch that woman dance in front of me wrapped up in the arms of another man. I was resigned to the fact I'd foolishly pushed the love of my life out years ago and was paying for me. I'd be okay being alone as long as Savannah was happy.

But I just couldn't be faced with it and singing at her reception, let alone that song, yea there was no way in hell. I finally looked at my best friend meeting his eyes. He clenched his jaw probably to keep from asking how I was yet again. I raised an eyebrow at him as Dad, his dad, and Kolby tamping down the growl I really wanted to let out. Everyone was dressed for a ride in whichever direction the wind took us at least through tomorrow.

Eli cleared his throat apparently being the spokesperson. "We are ready when you are." He was about to say something else when the sound of an engine turned all of our attention towards the driveway as a red truck appeared.

"What the hell," Kolby muttered pulling his sunglasses down as his jaw dropped. "That is Josh's truck but he should be...."

"Seems there is a runaway bride," Dad drawled rubbing a hand along his jaw as the truck screeched to a stop and we all could see what he had spotted. A poof of white and blonde hair tumbled out of the lifted Chevy stalking our way pushing blonde hair that must have come loose from her fancy updo with the wind picking up. He pushed my brother towards his bike and jerked his head at Eli and his dad before looking over at me. "We will get out of your hair and let you handle that son. Good luck."

Kolby paused grabbing Savannah's arm gently checking on her then leaning down to kiss her cheek as the wind picked echoing to me what he murmured to her. Swore it sounded like "take it easy on him."

The roar of their engines sounded as the breeze from the incoming thunderstorm we were planning on getting ahead of blew in. Bracing my hands on my hips, I watched the woman striding towards me with a wedding dress swirling around her like a cloud. A loud booming crack split through the air the closer she got to me.

"Of course, it fucking gets ready to rain now," Savannah grumbled stopping in front of me in a huff of poufy grumpiness. I wondered just what in the hell she was doing here standing in front of me when she should be tying the knot. Ocean blue eyes lifted up looking at me in earnest. "Brantley..."

"Shouldn't you be getting married right about now," I grumbled out unable to keep the sharp tone out of my voice. I couldn't help it because for some reason I was hardwired to protect myself when it came to this woman. All I got in answer was an indignant stubborn eyebrow raise that all Southern women seem to have perfected at birth setting Southern men's teeth on edge. Giving in to defeat on a war of wills I had no idea why I was even engaged in, I jerked a thumb behind me. "Look Savvy, I am sure it is not too late. Let me go grab my truck keys and I will take you to your parents' house and Josh can get his truck later. Bet Connor is worried sick about you." I turned on my heel heading towards the inside of the Dawg House to grab the keys to my truck when something nailed me right in the middle of my back prompting me to whirl around with a low growl seeing a jeweled headband at my feet and Savannah's blonde hair whipping in the wind that was picking up speed. "Dammit Savannah Grace! What the hell was that for!"

"Don't you dare walk away from me again Brantley Keith!" she hissed stomping over to me tripping over the bottom of her voluminous dress sending her tumbling into my arms. She gripped my biceps looking up at me with a glare. There was so much to read in her eyes that I didn't dare hope what any of it meant. "I can not watch you do it again. Last night was enough."

"Last night never should have happened," I sighed shaking my head gently reaching up to remove her hands from my arms seeing the tears she must have been holding back slip down her cheeks. I turned striding towards the bar top grabbing the set of keys I was looking for then back outside gently grasping Savannah's arm trying to guide her towards my truck as the thunder grew closer. Great. This upcoming torrential downpour is the last thing I needed to be outside arguing with her stubborn ass in. "Come on Savvy."

"No," she hissed her voice beginning to crack while she yanked her arm from my hand shoving me as hard as she could but barley moving me as I dug my boots into the concrete looking down at her like she had finally lost her mine. Before I could say anything else the bottom fell out in the rain making me gasp but it seemed to spurn Savannah on in her tirade. A slender finger raised shaking at me. "Last time was a fucking fluke because you were drunk. Man up and tell me you don't have feelings for me anymore. I knew I was getting married when I climbed out that window to come and meet you. Something I should have known better than do but I still couldn't stop myself. Partly because it was you. Partly because I needed it too. I missed you so fucking much even all these years. Tried to fool myself that I was happy and moved on. But I was always searching for something and that was you. Maybe you are just a chicken shit! I walked out of my wedding to a man who could give me the world, because he doesn't make me feel a tenth of what you do and I fully realized that last night the moment my lips touched years." I sucked in a gasp when she moved closer raising that tiny hand up to cup my cheek. Blonde curls plastered to her head as the rain poured down on us. "It wasn't a fluke between us B. Why would I hide for so long not able to face coming home? Why would you write so many songs about it if it wasn't real? You write what you know, remember."

"I'm scared okay," I growled throwing my arms out wide feeling the rain drip off the brim of my hat as the down pour increased. "You fucking happy!"

"You think I'm not?" Savannah challenged back sniffling but the smirk teasing at her lips made me want to swat her ass just to make it go away. "Because I am fucking terrified."

"What you don't realize," I rasped sliding an arm around her waist pulling her in close slipping a finger under her chin leaning closer letting the brim of my hat shadow over both of our faces. "is it is you who has the power to break me this time. I was broken for so damn long after we ended baby girl. Hit hard once I couldn't hide behind the bottle or pills anymore. I've come so far to stay away from all of that so yea, it scares me."

"Broken is something we both were," she whimpered raising her hand up to rest on the arm of mine cradling her face and I noted the diamond ring was missing giving me a touch of hope. "But I am looking at the only thing that can put me back together. Brantley, I still love you. I think I kidded myself into thinking I stopped."

"Moving on seemed impossible Savvy," I murmured leaning down to ghost my lips over hers. "I thought I was finally going to have to then I walked in seeing you in Ashley's kitchen making my heart beat like it should again. Fuck baby, I tried to say I still loved you in some many ways through lyrics over the years, hate you never heard them."

"Well I am here to listen now," she whispered jumping slightly when lightning struck a little bit way crackling the air with electricity. "Shit that was close."

"Come on sweetheart," I chuckled kissing her softly hearing an appreciative hum before bending my knees scooping up woman and a mountain of a soaking wet dress turning to head towards the house as the rain increased making me lengthen my strides towards the porch. "Let's get out of this down pour. Then we can talk."

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