How Will Things Be: Part II

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Connor's POV

I smothered a yawn turning into The Graves' driveway parking my truck behind Savannah's SUV letting out a sigh of relief that it was there. Must mean she is here hopefully. After spending the night half drunk, calling her to no avail on getting an answer, and pacing my hotel room I finally made the decision to come by here. I was going out of my mind after yesterday. Everything seemed to be going perfectly and she seemed just as I eager as I was for the wedding at the rehearsal.

My mama was still fit to be tied over how things had gone. Argued that if we had gotten married at the plantation she suggested close to Birmingham this embarrassment would not have happened. I just thought I the call I had gotten letting me know that BG was unable to sing at our reception due to a schedule conflict was my disappointment for the day. I had been looking so forward to it because I was a huge fan of his music and wanted to surprise Savannah with something romantic.

Climbing out of my truck, I shoved my hands into my shorts pocket making my way up to the front door then lifting my hand to briskly knock. I heard footsteps a moment later then Corey, Savannah's dad, opened the door with wide eyes.

"Hey Connor," he said watching me warily. "What brings you by son? I thought your dad said yesterday y'all were heading back to Birmingham. I can't apologize enough for yesterday."

"Vannah here?" I asked hearing my voice crack with pleading. "I really need to talk to her."

"Ummm....." he said glancing behind him as Mistie, her mom, stepped up laying a hand on his arm nodding her head giving me a gentle smile. Must have been something on my face as he stepped back. "Yea come on in son."

I brushed past him my eyes frantically scanning the room for Savannah then striding towards the kitchen hoping she was in there. I needed to see her face and I prayed she was struggling with her decision just like I was. It was just a case of cold feet and the overwhelming feeling of being home. I knew she didn't make it back to Jefferson really at all but never really told me why. But not seeing her sleepy self sitting at the island in the kitchen sipping coffee, I drew up short seeing her brother Josh there instead.

The commanding Marine had always been a little distant towards me and I had often wondered if it was the fact he was younger than Savannah. Unable to keep my frustration in, I whirled around facing Mistie and Corey losing my temper partly out of embarrassment but there was some worry mixed in there as well.

"Where the hell is she!" I roared clenching my fists feeling my blood pressure climb. "Y'all fucking hiding her somewhere!"

"First of all," Josh growled slowly standing up from the stool he was sitting on rolling his shoulders back. A pure smart ass grin spread across his lips making my temper rise up even more at his next words. "She probably has followed exactly where her heart has been since she was seventeen years old." I noted Nana Graves slipping in the back door quietly with interest on her face. She thought I didn't catch the look and subtle head nod she sent her son and daughter in law. I went to say something when Josh spoke again. "Hell, I wouldn't be surprised if she was halfway to Vegas right now."

"Josh," Mistie said with a groan covering her face shaking her head as Corey ran a hand over his goatee. Was he trying to hide a smile? "Hush son. Connor...." But she didn't get any other words out because an engine in the driveway followed by the closing of a door grabbed all of our attention. I shoulder checked Corey out of the way in my hurry to get to the front door flinging it open. I was two steps out onto the porch when I stopped in my tracks seeing the big, white Ford and a man walking around to the passenger side.

A crown of messy blonde hair looked familiar as the woman slipped out of the passenger seat. What threw me as I could see more was that it looked like Savannah but the baggy sweatpants and oversized t-shirt made me question it. It was also the easily proprietary hand resting on her lower back by the man beside her also in sweatpants and t-shirt.

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