1st Chapter

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We had a day off and we was in ATL so we all decided to go to OMG Girlz house since we ain't have nothing to do but look at tv in that boring hotel room. Walter call up Star mother Tiny she said we come over we all decied to go swimming while we over there some min. arrive and we pull up to this big house it wasn't better then the conjunction house but it was pretty decent. a little girly but it was okay.... Me and Ray Ray was talking about how we going to pull our prank on one of the girls and we both decided to prank Star

" Ray Ray , Roc , Prod , Prince " Beauty , Star ,Babydoll greeted us at the door we gave them hug and Ray Ray kiss Star I don't know what got over me but i got kinda mad... I didn't like Star but the media sure thought we had something going on when the whole time it was her and ray we was happy they finally got together we all was sick of them saying I like him , I like her so we got them together... Me and Ray Ray pull our prank on Star she was pissed

"IMMA K I L L BOTH OF YA'LL " she scream running towards us we both look at each other and went our separate ways she ran after Ray Ray first while I stop running and begin to walk until I heard footstep come from behind me and i ran fast as i could
" Bro i think we lost her " Ray Ray said smiling at me
I hope so...dang she fast I reply back and then when we came from behind the corner. Star was right there
"That enough y'all three let's eat " Prod scream at us from all the way across the pool

We all sat down me next to Ray, Star on the other side of him Prod was in front of me next to Beauty Baby-doll was on the left side of her facing Princeton and the adults went inside to eat while we just laughing , talking while eating

" PICTURE TIME " Princeton said as we all took pictures together
" Ya'll fans don't like it when y'all take pictures with us" Beauty said
A Jealous Fan base is the fan base that you suppose to cherish and we love them even through they can be a little bit crazy Princeton said

Me and Ray Ray took a picture together and all you see in the comments is Double R's Bromace.....


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