5th Chapter

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- ; At breakfast

Roc don't sit next to me like usually, he sat by Prod. And I don't know why that made me so angry. I sat there and ate my waffles and talked to Princeton.

- ; After breakfast

Roc went into his room so I followed. I explained to him that the kiss didn't mean anything and that I didn't wanna end our friendship. After I told him I walked out and closed the door then I heard something hit the door. In the back of my mind I knew that Rocs kiss meant the world to me but I didn't want this to get in the way of what we already had. After everything was quite in Rocs room I walk back In there and saw him sitting in the corner.

"Roc what did you do?" I asked

"Nothin so just leave me alone and get out!" Roc said

I looked at him very confused I thought he liked me.

"Roc WTF is wrong with you? First you act like you like me then you yelling at me and telling me to leave! TF!" I said

"Your acting like what happened last night never happened! I like you but I'm confused about what's ou-" before I could think about it I kissed Roc.

My face tuned red and so did his

"Umm I have to go." I said as I walked out the room.

I can't believe I kissed him AGAIN! But his lips were soft and they were just right there so I did it. I think I'm in love with Roc Royal. My best friend.

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