19th Chapter

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Roc POV:

After i left Princeton room i went to my room and just laid there looking at the ceiling thinking about what was me and Ray , did he want us to be together or was that kiss a mistake so many thoughts was on my mind and i couldn't think straight anymore and so i went to sleep but it didn't't last long because i heard someone so i woke up and saw Ray staring at me he seem pissed off but i don't know if it was toward me or something else but I'm hoping something else

" You back i was looking for you " I said

" Oh i know... Princeton told me " Ray said to me

I got up from the bed and walk toward Ray and pull him closer to me but then i push him away because this strong scent ht my noise and i know i smell this before it wasn't one of Ray Cologne's but someone else Was this nigga cheating on me already ... with a NIGGA

" What wrong ? " Ray ask me

" ....Nothing... " i said but i knew it was something but I'm not going to trip

You sure because you push me away Ray said again

Yeah but we need to talk I told him and i sat down on the bed while he just stand looking at me like I'm bout to break up with him or something

" Listen Ray I got feelings for you and i know you do too i want us to work again ... i don't care what no one have to say because as long as i got you no one else matter " i told him

" i want us to work again too Roc i love you " Ray said and he tried to kiss me but i didn''t let him because i knew someone else had kiss him i just got to find out who

" no kissing each other for a while okay ? " i ask Ray

" uh-mm...sure " Ray said


What you cooking? Ray ask Prodigy

food Prodigy said

I hope you cooking for everyone

No I'm cooking for my damn self Prodigy said

Princeton walk in the kitchen and then i smelt that same damn smell from earlier when i was face to face skin to skin with Ray .... let me find out some betrayal shit going on already i will end this shot ASAP before it even start

Princeton POV

Aye Ray can we have a min real quick i ask him

Uh-mmm...sure -_- Ray said in a pissed off tone

Me and Ray went in the living room and that when our conversation got interesting he think he going to tell me what to do and not think im going to do something about it he got another thing going on

What you want Prince ? Ray ask me

" You and Roc date huh ? " i ask him because i wanted to know what he was going to say

" Yeah why Roc ask

Do he know about me and you i ask

what me and you Ray ask

Us kissing each other i said

You kiss me Princeton Ray said

But you kissed back i said back

Listen lets forget about that kiss Ray said to me

No Ray listen you want me to keep this a secret right ? i ask him

Yea Ray said

This would be our little secret if you do whatever i say i told him in a seriously tone

you going to blackmail me now ? Ray ask

Sadly that what love do so yeah if you don't i will tell everyone about you and Roc and tell Roc about US so do we understand I ask Ray

-_- Yeah i understand I keep your secret if you keep mines deal

Me and Ray walk back into the room and everyone sat down and ate something since Prodigy didn't want to cook no one nothing but his self

You okay Roc ask Prod

Prodigy didn't even answer Roc question all he did was get up from the table and went upstairs to his room

Something is wrong with him i told them

Ima go see what wrong with him Ray said as he got up and went upstairs

So now it just me and Roc sitting at this table i wonder should i tell him or should i actually keep this secret a secret

What type of is you wearing Roc ask me

" I don't remember the name but you can wear it if you like it i told him

I will Roc said with a smirk on his face at this point im lost as hell

I just continue eating my food and went outside and went to the mall because i need to get away from everyone and this house


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