4th Chapter

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I couldn't say nothing I was shock and confused about what just happen I mean I KISS ray ray for god stake I think I just ruin a perfect friendship all because I let my feelings get in the way . All you heard through out the house was a loud SLAM I guess Ray Ray was pissed off that I kiss him but he did kiss back he lock his self into the bathroom while I just sat on the couch just thinking about it ... Until I finally snap out of it and went in my room change my clothes and went to sleep

-; The next day

It was so awkward I was ignoring Ray and he was ignoring me I just blew everything all because of a kiss a stupid kiss that didn't mean nothing to him but meant the world to me I over heard Princeton talking to Ray Ray about me but I didn't get up I was In my room walking back and fourth because I couldn't go out there knowing what happen last night

" Roc....." Keisha yell from the kitchen

I got out the bed I didn't care to put a shirt on when I'm going to just lay in bed and think I went into the kitchen I saw Ray Ray staring at me and I blush then Princeton was snapping in Ray Ray face trying to get his attention

" Uhm... Yeah " Ray said still not looking at Princeton face

"You iight man ? " Princeton ask Ray

" Yeah I'm fine " Ray told Princeton

Princeton didn't believe one word of it he just went along with it we all sat down to eat normally I sit beside Ray but I didn't Princeton did and I sat by Prodigy I barely touch the food on my plate I dismiss myself from the table because I couldn't just act like nothing happen last night I slam the door and some min. Later I hear Ray Ray calling my name
" Yeah come in " I yell
Ray Ray close the door and sat at the end of my bed

" We gotta talk " we both said

" I'm sorry " we both said again we start laughing I told Ray to go first

" What happen last night shouldn't happen... I don't know why or how it happen but I know we shouldn't had kiss I mean I date star and you just broke up with Kiloni and I just don't know" Ray said

I was just staring at him like I couldn't believe he regret it

" Ray we can try and forget but we always know what happen ... I'm not going to say it didn't mean nothing which it did I kiss you and you kiss me back maybe we just going through the phase when you like or do stuff with the opposite sex " I told ray ray and I guess he agree or somewhat because he just said "I don't want this to end our friendship " and walk out my room while I just stand there mad as hell I pick up a book and threw it and I pick up whatever I can find and threw it at the wall and after I ran out of things to throw I just sat in a corner looking at the mess I made all because Ray Ray want to regret what happen


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