12th Chapter

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So Ray Ray got ready for his little date with Star . I could careless about that bird but it whatever at this point im starting to regret this relationship with Ray Ray we both agreed to keep it on the low but im just bout to give up but then i don't want to .

"See yall later " Ray told us as he walk out the door
"so what we doing today ? " Prince ask us
" Lets go to the mall " Prod said

We all agreed so i text Ray before Star got there and i guess she came because he didnt text me back so it was whatever i could careless so we finally got to the mall we didnt feel like hiding so some fans came up to us ask for pictures we took pictures with them and it was this one girl she was BEAUTIFUL like Tinashe/Rihanna type her name was Lauryn she was a baddie so of course imma flirt with her and then we got to know each other until Prod tell me to hurry up so i took a picture with her with just me and her and she put it on her instagram and i follow her . Some hours later we went thru the whole mall and Ray text me back talking about how he having fun with Star and i told him i was having fun with this BEAUTIFUL fan i met at the mall since he wanted to get me jealous imma do it to him .... tonight imma have to tell Ray it OVER because this secret can ruin my LIFE and im too sexy to be gay so im so done ... this will be the end of DOUBLE R as a couple i mean it was fun while it lasted but this phase is over and he got Star and imma have Lauryn so we all win here but that dream got me thinking Princeton like Ray

Star POV

I got to our place earlier but i didn't want Ray to find out i was there so i hide and whateva and he was texting somebody on his phone so when i finally decided he waited enough i came up to him and hug him

" Im sorry that i blew you off for Roc it just he had something going on with him and he needed a brother " Ray told me
" it okay...." i said and we sat down and begin to order our food.. ray dont know im only on this date to see if there still US because lately it been DOUBLE R and i just can't do this at all.... So he get 1 check for coming but his phone keep going off and it blowing me

" You going to answer that text ? " i ask him
" Uhmm..nah im with you no one is important at this moment " Ray told me with a smile
I smile back but i didnt believe one word this nigga told me so the food came and some min. later i excuse myself from the table
" i be right back i gotta go pee " i told Ray he said okay and i walk my way to the bathroom but i stop and then Ray took out his phone and begin to text whoever i bet it Roc see now it 2 thing he did that pissed me off yuup if he keep this up imma be done so i went back to my sit

" So.... you look kinda piss " i told Ray
" No im not ...i think it this food it kinda hot "
This nigga just keep on lying to me how the hell is tacos hot and he didnt put the hot stuff on it yet but yeah im about to break up with him

" Ray...we needa talk " i begin he just stare at me
" this date was to see if we still had feelings for each other and to tell you the truth you done everything WRONG .... you lying to me , you texting some other bitch so yeah we over Raynique is done sorry.... " with that said i got up and left for him to pay the bill


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