16th Chapter

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Well since alot of yall want me to continue this story i guess i will.. and for the ones who said it was stupid , dumb, etc. your comment is irrelevant because you waiting for the next chapter but Thanks for your feedback the good and the bad! Here go the next chapter IDK how many chapters this story will be but I hope you enjoy reading this !

Ray POV:

After We told the world about who we was dating The fans was mad They didn't like Rae'lynn that was Roc girlfriend and to be honest i didn't either he pick her over us and the fans so they start sending hate and she didn't take it well but they still dating and for me and Zendaya we broke up the same week I told everyone about us I think Star had something to do with it I guess The Raytlesnake made her obsessed with me *laugh* and for Prince he got his heartbroken by Chevone.. I guess Mindless Behavior relationship don't last long enough.....unless we dating each other

" RAY GIVE ME MY MONEY " Roc yelled from the livingroom

What money nigga ? I won the bet i said

" IF I DONT GET MY MONEY WE GOING TO BE RECKIN' IN THIS HOUSE" Roc yelled again but this time he was standing in the doorway giving me the death stare

You not going to do nothing you PRETTY BOY yall dont fight remember I said

" Shid i will beat your skinny ass dont play where my money" Roc said with an angry look on his face

Go ask your girlfriend i said in a pissed off tone

" FUCK she got to do with my money " Roc said

Cuz you going to spend it on her so FUCK IT i said loudly thru the room

" Mane whatever " Roc said and left the house

After Roc slam the door the rest of the boys went into the kitchen asking me what happen after me and Roc ended our relationship we been acting like we hate each other but to be honest i still got feelings for him and i probably always will and i know he does too it just hard for us to show our emotions because we both know it better if we don't especially around Princeton because i swear he got a crush on me keep taking pictures with me and putting it on instagram and shit


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