countless breaths

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Kelly jolted once he heard his bedroom door open and immediately froze in fear. There was a tall figure standing above him and he got even more scared as the person reached into his pocket to get something. Kelly heard the gun cock and tried to attack the figure but before he could he was shot and that woke up Stella who immediately got up and shined her phone's light on the figure and that person turned out to be grant and she immediately called intelligence and adam picked up the phone and in a shaky voice Stella says "grant came into my house and shot kelly please bring jay, Hailey you and Kim and an ambo. adam hung up and told the team that they needed to go to Stella's house right now. Waiting on the team and the ambo to arrive Stella held pressure on the bullet wound which was in his lower abdomen. Once the help arrived the intelligence walked around the apartment in search of grant and the ambo went to kelly and Kim went to so she could calm down Stella and ask her some questions and also tell her that they need to put her in a safe house type thing because they can't find grant in the house and want to keep her safe until they are able to get grant and put him in custody. Stella was worried about Kelly because after she left with Kim that was the last time she saw him he was getting loaded onto the stretcher. Hailey was going to be staying with Stella so Stella had someone to keep her company and so Hailey can get updates about kelly on a burner phone supplied by CPD. Stella was in a state of shock and just super worried about Kelly and his state. In the safe house, there was food, some DVDs for entertainment. After about 6 hours in Stella still could not get sleep because she was so worried about kelly. The rest of the firehouse found out the next day and they were worried too but couldn't comfort Stella because she was in the safe house and they were not allowed to know where it is and couldn't have communition with her. Around 6 pm that day they got an update on kelly and that update was that he has just finished surgery and was stable.

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