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The last few months have been crazy for Kelly and Stella. Kelly had finished physio and got back to being on full duty. Stella had just found out she was pregnant so she has been put on a desk duty job and so much more has been going on with them. Stella wasn't thrilled to be on desk duty but she was still thankful that she could work. None of the firehouses knew that she was pregnant only Boden but she would have to tell them at one point because she was going to show. During the morning briefing, Kelly stood up and said I and Stella have to tell you all something. The whole firehouse was nervous because Boden always tells them if there was gonna be some sort of news that day. Stella walked up to the front and said I'm pregnant and the whole firehouse was ecstatic that there will be a mini sevride walking around. Stella would be cooking a lot since she was working at the firehouse instead of going out on calls. Cindy was gonna help Stella prepare for the baby because she has five kids of her own. Stella didn't want help but Herrmann instated that Cindy should help. Also, Cindy could recommend good baby products for Stella that she has used with her kids. The whole day all of the rigs where at some sort of call and if they came back it would be for a few minutes. Stella and kelly got home around 4:45 pm that day and they decided to order pizza for dinner because they didnt have any food and Stella was going to go grocery shopping tomorrow so they just ordered something before she went because they where both too tired to cook or go out. The rest of there night was just them chilling and catching up on there favorite shows. Kelly went to bed an hour earlier then stella because he had to be at work early because him and all of 51 except stella where on a 24 hour shift. Stella got ready for bed and then went into the room and cuddled up next to kelly and fell asleep

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