Chapter 2

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*beep beep beep*

"Ughhh mom just 5 more minutes.." I say, annoyed.

I slowly begin to realize the situation and I get up to get ready for my first day at college. I pull of my pajamas and put on some flower print jeans, an ivory colored lace top and black combat boots. I walk out the door and quickly take in my surroundings. A few doors down I notice a woman that looks about 30 and is struggling to keep ahold of a young boy that seems about 7. Hopefully he doesn't cause too much trouble.

I start walking down the stairs and a man who seems about 20 give me a kind smile and say "Good morning"

I smile back and echo what he says. He seemed nice. I walk to the exit and catch a bus. I finally reach my college and start to get nervous. I exit the bus and turn to face the colossal builiding. I notice college is nothing like high school. There are no cliques. No popular girls. No jocks. Nothing...just regular people. I walk in and look at my schedule.


I walk to the bus stop after a strange day at school. I talked to a few people and most of them said how cute my accent is and asked me about America. I get to my apartment and see a man trimming bushes near the entrance. I give him a kind smile and walk to my apartment. There's nobody outside like last's actually very quiet. I get the keys to my apartment and open the door. There's stuff everywhere. I decide I should take care of that so I turn on my 1D playlist and hop around my house cleaning- which was really fun until someone knocked on my door. I pause the music and answer the door.


"Hi I'm your downstairs neighbor and I was just wondering- hey, you're the girl I saw on the stairs this morning!" the man said with a surprised look on his face

"Oh yeah! I remember you! Oh sorry, is my music too loud?" I ask a little worried

"oh that's not it. It's a couple reasons, one I saw you moving in last night and was just coming by to say hello! And I could hear thuds and was just checking to see of everything is alright. By the way, I love your accent!" he says

"Oh yeah sorry about that haha. Oh and thanks! Ive gotten that a lot today haha" I reply trying to look cute

"haha it's alright. Well I probably should get going, nice meeting you!" he says smiling and putting his hand put for a hand shake.

I smile and shake back

"you too! Alright see you around! I'll try and keep quiet haha" I reply jokingly

"alright bye!" he says chuckling as he walks away.

It takes me a few seconds go realize that I should probably close the door. I turn around and notice my house is clean so I get something to eat. I start to imagine my mystery neighbor. His green eyes, his dark brown hair, his adorable glasses that sat on his nose perfectly...who is he? I push the subject aside and focus on reality. I decide I should check in with my mom.



"Hey mom!"

"Hey honey! How was the first day in Europe?"

"it was good!"

"Meet any cute guys???"


"Ooohh what's his name!? What's he look like!?"

"Mom I don't know yet I just met him this morning! We just passed by each other and said hello!"

"well find out his name soon!"

"I will mom"

"Ok well what does he look like?"

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