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The three high schoolers and one baby sat around the table in Kagami's dining area and ate their lasagna. As always, Kagami's food was amazingly delicious and the trio was so invested in eating that they almost forgot about what they were supposed to be talking about.

Kuroko and his tiny appetite that was even smaller than Gwen's put down his fork and dabbed his lips that had a bit of sauce on them.

"That was delicious Kagami-kun. Maybe you should stop basketball and become a chef instead,"

Kagami snorted but accepted the compliment nonetheless. 

"Thanks," Kagami took a sip of his water. "I might as well tell you how this all happened before I forget."

"No need to rush,"

"I'm not, but it's not that really long of a story," Kagami pursed his lips before letting out a sigh. He made eye contact with Gwen who smiled and nodded with encouragement.

"W-Well, it happened early last year..."

Kagami proceeded to recite the story he had told Riko but added more details of the events. Throughout the story-telling, Kuroko's face remained impassive which made Gwen compare him to a robot. 

By the end, Kagami studied Kuroko's face and from what he saw, the shadow was shocked. Kagami was probably one of the few people who could actually tell what Kuroko was feeling when he looked at the latter's eyes.

"I apologize for wrongly accusing you Kagami-kun. And I'm sorry that that happened to you," Kuroko said. "But that only stands to prove my point that you are indeed hopeless when it comes to women."

"Kuroko you bastard!"



After the meal, Kuroko offered to help out with the dishes but was shooed away from the kitchen by Gwen and brought to sit on the cushions. The dirty plates were dumped in the dishwasher since Kagami was too lazy to hand wash them and soon, the trio was seated around his tv with little Shion in front of them.

"Would you like to hold him Kuroko-kun?" Gwen asked seeing the pale boy play with the baby.

"May I?" Kuroko's eyes lit up. He always did love children and this little rice ball was no exception.

"Of course," Kagami lifted the guy from his rocking chair and placed him in Kuroko's arms whilst supporting his head.

He was surprisingly light but Kuroko remembered them saying he was born a bit early so perhaps he'll gain some weight later on. 

Little Shion, who was wide awake, didn't seem to mind being held by a complete stranger. He didn't make a single sound of protest when Kuroko held him but that was to be expected.

Shion seemed to have an outgoing personality. That and he didn't complain much, only crying when his diaper was dirty or he was hungry. Other than that, he only made little gurgling sounds to attract attention.

The rice ball was a natural-born attention seeker.

 "Takes after his dad," murmured Kuroko placing Shion back in his chair. "Hopefully he gets his mother's brains though."

Kagami's eye twitched at his partner's sharp words. 

'Tsk. Kuroko you little shit. You're really on a roll today.'

"I hope so too. If not, we're all doomed,"

'Don't agree with him Gwen.'

While Kagami was sulking in the corner, Kuroko checked the time on his watch and stood up.

"It seems it's getting late. I had a wonderful time tonight, thank you for inviting me Kagami-kun. And thank you for your hospitality Gwen-san,"

"Aw, you're really sweet for someone who's friends with Taiga," Gwen's blunt words pierced through the said boy's heart making him cough up blood.

Damn, why's everyone attacking him today?

"I'll see you at school tomorrow Kagami-kun. Don't forget that coach wanted to go over the listings for the Inter-high," Kuroko put on his jacket.

"Yeah yeah. See you later," Kagami, recovered from his state, walked the shorter boy to the door, and the two bid farewell.

"And now..." 

Kagami went back into the living room and saw Gwen rocking the very drowsy Shion. He went behind her and pinched his sides making her yelp.


"Don't 'hey' me. Aren't you supposed to take your boyfriend's side when someone's insulting him?" Kagami sneered.

"Aww, were you jealous?"

"O-Of course not!"

He totally was. But no way in hell was he going to admit that.

"Your friend is a good person," hummed the girl. She leaned back into Kagami, who was now seated behind her and succumbed to his warmth.

"He is," Kagami agreed while wrapping an arm around his girlfriend's waist. "Despite his blank stares and emotionless looks, his heart is warm."

"I'm sure it is," responded Gwen. She let out a yawn and muttered, "I think I'll get ready for bed."

Kagami kissed the side of his head and released her to go to the bathroom. Meanwhile, he carried the little bugger to his cot in their room and placed him inside.

Gwen came out from the bathroom wearing her pajama t-shirt and shorts. Kagami went in after her and had a bath before brushing his teeth and coming out.

When he walked into the room, Gwen's face flushed at the sight of his naked upper body which sported a very well-defined six-pack. There were a few water droplets on his skin which only added to his hotness.

Suddenly her throat went dry and she couldn't help but cough and look away. Normally she was the one who teased the boy and made him embarrassed but when he had his shirt off, it was a whole different story.

Kagami, in a world of his own, barely noticed her checking him out and simply grabbed a spare t-shirt from his drawer before placing it on.

Gwen sighed regretfully. She moved her body against the wall to allow space for him to climb in. He did and in the process, he wrapped his arm around her smaller body and pulled her towards him.

She snuggled into his warm chest and felt her eyelids grow heavy.

"Goodnight," he murmured in a gruff tone.

"Night," she mumbled. A soft kiss was pressed on her cheek making her smile in happiness.

What did she do to deserve such a sweet guy like him?

Kagami was many things but right now, he was hers.

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