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"A foreigner? Who's she?" someone asked.

No one knew. But the more important question-

"Why is there a baby here?" Kise asked. "Does she have the wrong place?"

"She's hot. Big tits too," Aomine observed. What he wasn't expecting was for Kagami to send him a death glare.

"Keep your eyes to yourself you damn pervert," he hissed. 

"Sheesh, what's your problem?"

"It's not nice to say those things about women, Aomine-kun. Especially taken ones," Kuroko told him. 

"How do you know she's taken? You know her, Kurokocchi?" Kise questioned.

Kuroko nodded and everyone at the table looked at him with wide eyes. 

"Eh? For real?" Aomine gaped. "Who is she?"

Before Kuroko could answer, Kagami had stood up from his seat and walked over to the girl who looked a little embarrassed and lost at the entrance of the cafeteria.

"Oi oi, what's he doing? Kagami knows her as well?" Takao asked.

Himuro narrowed his eyes trying to get a better look at the girl before he nearly choked.

"G-Gwen?! She's in Japan?"

"You know her Muro-chin?" Murasakibara asked. 

Himuro nodded his head, "Yeah. Taiga and I knew her from America but...why is she here? And with a baby."

Everyone watched as the Seirin Ace made his way past the tables and headed straight for the female stranger wearing a...smile?!

Then, to their shock, he pulled her into a hug...and KISSED HER?!!!!

"WHAT THE F***?!" Aomine shouted. "You mean to say that she is taken...BY HIM?!"


"It's Kagami's girlfriend?!"

"Then who's the child?!"

As the room descended into commotion, someone finally posted the last question. Who the hell was that child?

"Um, doesn't the child look awfully familiar?" Kise chuckled nervously. "There aren't many people with that same dual-toned red hair."

"Kise-kun is very observant. That baby is indeed Kagami-kun's child," Kuroko casually dropped a bomb.


"EEHHHH?!!!" everyone who heard him exclaimed.

"Wha-HOW?!" Aomine yelled.

Kuroko gave him a look, "Aomine-kun...I wasn't aware you didn't know the process of baby-making."

"Damn you Tetsu! I meant, what the flying f*** happened for him to f****** impregnate a girl? And a hot one at that!"

"Taiga's...child?" Himuro gaped. He...how did he not know of this?

"H-He..." Midorima couldn't form a proper sentence and even the almighty Akashi was speechless.

Meanwhile, Kagami was too busy embracing his family to care about anyone else. 

"How was the trip?" he asked Gwen.

"It was good. Riko's father is a good driver," she giggled. Looking over the gaping expressions of the crowd, she chuckled awkwardly, "Um Taiga? Your friends-"

"Yeah, I'll introduce you," he replied before taking Shion into his arms. The baby gave a smile - at least it looked like a smile - and made some funny noises.

"Looks like he missed you," Gwen grinned and brushed a strand of hair out of her face.

"I missed him too," Kagami kissed his son's forehead and grabbed hold of Gwen's hand, tugging her towards his seat.

On the way, the players stared at them with wide eyes unashamed. I mean, this was the Seirin Ace they were talking about! The guy with a reputation for being a basketball idiot.

When they finally reached the table, they were met with unabashed and shocked faces. Gwen felt her face flush as she clumsily bowed and greeted them.

"Nice to meet you, Taiga's friends. I'm Gwen his...er...girlfriend," she introduced.

"Nice to meet you too, Gwen-san," Akashi, the only one aside from Kuroko, who managed to keep his poker face. 

His words snapped everyone else out of their daze and they mumbled a couple of greetings back. 

Gwen's eyes caught Himuro's and her lips widened into a smile, "Tatsuya-kun! It's been a while."

"It has been. What...happened?" he couldn't tear his eyes away from the child in Kagami's arms. 

"Yeah, bakagami! What the hell happened? How did you trick this girl?!" Aomine pointed at him.

Midorima hissed, "Shut up fool! Don't ask such personal questions."

"But we're curious because...well we all know how Kagamicchi is," 

"What's that supposed to mean?" Kagami grumbled. 


The little rice ball opened his mouth and let out a cute sound bringing attention to him. Momoi and Riko immediately came over from their seats to coo at him and Kise soon joined in. The guy was too adorable.

"This is Shion," Kagami said. "He's nearly four months old,"

"Four months?! Wait a minute...is this why you disappeared so suddenly after the Winter Cup?" Kise asked with wide eyes.

"En. She gave birth a little early so I flew over immediately after hearing she was going into labor," Kagami explained.

"Damn," Kise whistled. "But he's super cute! I'll be his favorite uncle."

"Huh? Sorry, Kise-kun but I think that title will belong to me," Himuro smiled menacingly.

"It is only right that I, Kagami's shadow, be Shion-chan's favorite uncle," Kuroko joined in out of nowhere.

The three males sent a glare to each other while Kagami stood with a tick mark on his head.

"I don't remember dubbing any of you as his uncle," he muttered lowly. "Tatsuya and Kuroko maybe."

Kise's head swerved to him and his face showed a look of utter betrayal, "What about me?!"

"The last thing I want my child to turn into is you," Kagami snorted. His words were unfiltered.

"H-How could you?! I'm awesome!" the blond nearly screeched. 

Almost everyone rolled their eyes at his words.

Kagami and Gwen took a seat at the table and let some willing people take turns in carrying Shion. Even the generation of miracles couldn't resist wanting a go and eventually, the baby had been passed around nearly the entire room.

"He's so cute, ne Shin-chan?" Takao said while poking the baby's chubby cheeks.

Midorima eyed the creature warily before reluctantly admitting that the child was indeed very adorable. The same couldn't be said for the father though...

"I've decided he'll start learning basketball once he can walk," Kagami announced proudly. Gwen rolled her eyes and muttered, "You really can't wait can you?"

"He is a basketball baka after all. I guess some things never change," Riko sighed. 

"I swear if his first words have anything to do with basketball--" Gwen sent a chilling look at Kagami, "--you better watch out."

Kagami shivered and replied, "Y-Yes dear."

'Stay safe buddy.' Everyone thought with pity.

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