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Five years later.

"Yes, come on son! Go, go, go!"

On an outdoor court near Kagami's apartment building, a father and son jogged side by side with the little boy attempting to dribble a miniature-sized basketball.

"Hehehe," the little boy giggled when the ball bounced out of his reach. "Was I good daddy?"

Kagami knelt down and ruffled the boy's hair, "You were awesome buddy."

"When will I jump like dada?" the boy looked down and pouted.

"Don't worry, you'll be able to jump like me in a couple of years," Kagami picked up the boy and kissed his cheek. "Then you might even be able to beat me."

"Uncle Aomine said that he always beats you," Shion babbled.

A tick mark appeared on the older male's forehead, "That bastard."

"Bad language! Imma tell mama,"

"Son, I thought we discussed this. I get you ice cream and you keep silent about my slip-ups," Kagami bopped his son's nose.

Shion let out a yelp and giggled. Kagami smiled at him and the two made their way back to the apartment.

Opening the door, they were greeted by the smell of freshly baked cake from the oven.

"Tadaima!" the two redheads called out. 

From the kitchen, Gwen came out holding a tray of cupcakes and placed them on the counter before going to greet her two boys.

"Okaeri. How was it?" She leaned up and kissed Kagami's lips before the little body of Shion slammed into her legs. She laughed and reached down to pick him up, "Did you have fun with daddy?"

Shion nodded, "Aha, we played basketball and daddy teach me to dib...dribbibl...d-dribble."

Gwen sniffed the air and grimaced, "And now I think you both better take a shower. You're covered in sweat and grime."

"I thought you'd be used to it now," Kagami snorted dumping his bag and ball on the ground.

"Just because I put up with it doesn't mean I enjoy it," Gwen smiled. She placed their son on the ground and ushered him along. "Go on now, once you and daddy have finished, you can eat a cupcake."

"Hai!!" The little guy exclaimed and quickly scampered off the bathroom with his father right behind him.

Sometime later, they came out nice and fresh.

Gwen handed them a cupcake each and said, "Kuroko-kun called while you were out. He said that Seirin was having a small reunion get-together next Saturday and was hoping you could go."

"Oh yeah, Furihata already sent a message. If it's fine with you..."

Gwen made gestures with her hands, "Of course it's fine. You deserve a break after the past week at the station."

"You should call Momoi over. She can keep you company," Kagami suggested.

"I was already planning on that. She wanted to go over some things for the wedding," Gwen smiled and wiped Shion's cream-smeared cheek.

"Ah, the wedding. It's already so close huh," Kagami muttered. Gwen grabbed his hand and squeezed it.

"I'll finally be Mrs. Kagami in a couple of weeks," she grinned.

"You're already Mrs. Kagami. We've got the certificate,"

Gwen rolled her eyes, "You know what I mean."

Kagami smirked and kissed her lips before whispering, "I know. And when that's over, how about we try for another one?"

His wife blushed a bright red and jokingly slapped his arm, "Geez Taiga."

"What? I'm sure Shion would love a brother or sister, right Shion?" Kagami winked at his child who was silently munching on his cupcake.

"Yah, I wanna be big bro," Shion nodded.

Gwen burst out in giggles and said, "You two...ganging up on me like this..."

"Well, how about it? Or should we try for one tonight?" Kagami slipped an arm around his woman's waist and whispered in her red ear.

If Gwen's face could get any redder, it would've. 

"N-Not in front of him," she blurted embarrassingly. 

Kagami chuckled at his wife's cuteness. His lips landed on hers for the third time and he muttered, "I love you so much."

"I love you too, my tiger," Gwen smiled into the kiss.

They stared at each other lovingly until the moment was broken by a small voice.

"What are you doing? Are you eating each other's lips again?"

The two turned to Shion who was staring back at them with big eyes and they couldn't help but burst out laughing.

"Turns out the brat never changed," Kagami snorted.

"Yep," Gwen agreed.

Shion was lifted from the ground and placed onto Gwen's lap while Kagami's hands went to his sides.

The apartment was filled with laughter and happiness as the family of three began a new chapter of their lives.

Who would've thought a prank gone wrong would turn into this?

I guess miracles do happen.

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