Chapter fourteen

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September, 22, 2021
6:35 pm

I placed a cup of ice on his cheek that was red and slightly swollen. Tagoe was using the alcohol wipes that he usually uses to clean his glasses to clean some of his open wounds and cuts.

“Fuck that burns” Rufus swore

“No shit sherlock” Tagoe said and opened another packet and wipe his bottle lip

“Who um...were those guys?” I asked while moving the ice cup to his bicep which was bruised

“The guy beating Rufus was Kendrick, The guy who pulled him off Rufus was Damien, and the guy pissing himself was Peck” Malcom answered walking up to us holding a cake pop and gave it to Rufus

“Do I look 9 to you?” Rufus asked holding the treat

“Stop being a baby” Malcom said and ate a different cake pop

“Why did they come here?” I asked confused and placed the cup down since it was melted now

“Well from what Peck said I guess he saw Rufus and Aimee hug; Overreacted and sent his friends to beat him up” Tagoe explained

“I guess Kendrick wrote you that note and thought since you still had it you were in love with him or something” Tagoe continued and toss his alcohol wipes in the trash

“But I barely knew him in highschool, I don’t know why he likes me” I shrugged

“Or why he still likes you” Malcom added which made us all look at him

“Oh not because of you, I just mean after like 4 years and never talking why does he still have feeling for you” Malcom corrected himself

“He nuts that why” Rufus sad and rubbed his swollen eye

“Come on I’ll take you home; Malcolm clean up and lock up” Tagoe told Malcom and we walked out of the shop

“Wait, why me?” Malcom whined and we closed the door behind him so we couldn't hear him anymore

We grabbed Tagoe and Rufus' bike and hooked them on the bus bike rack thing and started heading to Rufus' house.

When we got there we helped him to bed which seemed to annoy him

“I’m fine, He barely touched me” Rufus told us as he sat down on his bed

“We know but sorry we love you” Tagoe joked and walked out of the room leaving us alone

We sat in silence looking away from each other trying to think what to say next

“Sorry” Rufus told me

September, 22, 2021
7:08 pm

“What?” Mateo asked me looking at me with big innocent eyes which while really cute made me feel worse

“Sorry you saw me like that” I said rubbing the back of his neck

“No it’s okay; He shouldn't have kissed me and I liked seeing you protect me, It was nice” Mateo smiled and scooted closer to me

“Oh so it turned it on?” I teased which led him to punch me in the arm while laughing

“Shut up” We both laughed

We looked at each other and smiled; I led in and kissed him; Mateo jumped slightly and kissed me back and placed his arms around my neck and I I placed my arms around his waist and placed him on the bed.

“Is this okay?” I asked him; He didn’t say anything he just nodded his head

I kissed him again and moved to kissing his neck and placed my hands under his shirt; He arched his back slightly but held me close.

We kissed again and I moved my hand down to his belt; When suddenly the door fell open and we looked up to see Jenni and Aimee at the doorway.

“My baby” Jenni screamed and held me close and Mateo scooted away from us

“Are you okay?” Aimee asked

“I’m fine” I answered blushing arm

I explained what happened they seemed less worried knowing it was just Peck and his stupid friends.

Jenni made my favorite dinner and Mateo stayed the night at my room; I was wearing my shirt and boxers and Mateo was completely clothed.

I assumed he was too shy for me to see him shirtless but instead he was comfortable so I didn't fight him much.

“Are you sure you're okay?” Mateo asked me

“I’m fine really” I told him and kissed his cheek and held him close

Mateo fell asleep in my arms, I kissed his nose and shut my eyes drifting to sleep

Teenage dream (Collage AU)-In love- Where stories live. Discover now