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 These recipes were left by his grandmother, and Lin Duzhong cherished them very much, so he didn't directly ask him to take the original recipes. Instead, he asked him to copy them. It would take a while for Lin Chuanbo to copy a copy. During this time, Yu Xiangan was making time-consuming pop cakes. She deliberately asked someone to bring chocolates from the city. Nowadays, chocolates are rare. Better chocolates are more expensive. But Yu Xiangan felt it was worth it. She is not sure if she suddenly opened up her mind and has the kind of appreciation for him between men and women, but this does not prevent her from taking action. It is better to know earlier. If she is sure, she likes it, and she will definitely take action. .

  She was curious about what kind of feeling it is like before, but she had never experienced this feeling before, and now it seems that there is a vague heartbeat.

  Maybe this is what I like, and since I have encountered it, of course I have to catch it in time.

  It is not easy to make chocolate poppy cakes, or it is not easy to make cakes at this time. There is no oven, only a homemade oven, but this is not too difficult for her.

  When they made an appointment to meet, they gave out their gifts almost at the same time.

  "I found a cookbook passed down by my grandmother at home. It seems that there are some more unique dishes. Would you like to read it?"

  "My friend has a way to get chocolate. I made a chocolate pop cake specially. Can you try it?"

  The two spoke at each other, looked at each other, and laughed at the same time.

  "Thank you for the recipe. Put it here first. We will eat this cake in time."

  This is the first time Yu Xiangan has made this cake, and there is no such cake for sale in the current cake shop. After eating the long-lost taste, Lin Chuanbo squinted his eyes with great enjoyment, but his heart was sweeter than the taste in his mouth, and it was sweeter to people's hearts. He said he wanted to eat last time, but now he has it. Two people finished dividing the cake before talking about the recipe.

  "This recipe is my grandma's relic. There are several copies. I haven't finished copying them yet. I will send them to you when I finish copying them. Please read this one first."

  Yu Xiangan took it and was a little surprised: "This cookbook has been read for some years." It can be seen from the wording.

  "Yes, it should be from the Qing Dynasty."

  "Your grandma's ancestor was a cook?"

  "No, it was born in embroidery, but it was cut off when it passed to my grandma's generation. I don't know which generation of ancestors collected this."

  "Thank you, I like it very much." Yu Xiang'an likes to read recipes, some dishes will last for hundreds of years.

  She can also get inspiration from above.

  "By the way, I remember you said before that you want to eat fruit cake. What kind of fruit cake do you want to eat? Mango, apple, and peach. You can make a triple if you want to."

  Lin Chuanbo's heart was pounding. He hadn't enjoyed this kind of treatment before.

  "I can do it, I'm not picky eaters, I will eat whatever you do."

  They looked at each other, as if they were half-hot, and quickly looked away. The two people felt the change in their atmosphere almost at the same time. The usual glance at each other, the inadvertent touch between the fingers, or even the wind blowing from the other's direction, are different. Yu Xiangan wanted to find a professional adjective for this stage. After thinking about it, she thought of the ambiguous period, and neither of them had the ambiguous period of breaking the window paper.

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