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I hadn't seen Bucky since we made breakfast together and Steve came to speak to him. I was beyond worried, and it was painfully clear at this point he regretted sleeping with me.

The first night I presumed he just wanted some space to process things, and I had zoned out drawing, so I didnt really mind. But now I was waking up alone for the third time in a row, I was convinced he hated me. I had knocked on his door a few times each day, but never got an answer and I didnt want to intrude so I never opened his door myself.

Steve was on a mission, along with Nat and Sam, so he couldn't be with him. I was completely stumped as to where he could be and more confused than I'd been for a long time with his sudden change in behaviour. Where could he be? He wasnt even coming out for meal time and nobody had seen him in the kitchen so what was going on?

F.r.i.d.a.y had alerted me that the 3 musketeers were back from their mission so I decided to check in on them. I headed down and passed Nat walking back with not a scratch on her.

"Dont worry, everyone's fine. It was just an intel mission no ones hurt. They're all still down there though if you wanna check for yourself" she gave me a smile as if she knew I was looking for someone specifically. Weird.

I smiled back, ignoring my own confusion "good, I'll go see how Steve and Sam are doing" I didnt wait for a response before heading down the last stretch of hallway into the briefing room.

When I walked in I was expecting the dynamic duo and most likely a coke can in the room. But I wasnt expecting to also meet those ocean orbs I'd missed for so long. Why is he in here? For Steve maybe?

I gave him a confused head tilt but didnt mutter a word in front of the others about him avoiding me. Before he could say anything, the beverage himself spoke up. "Ah my little elf, dont worry the quirky quad wasnt harmed" he jested. He came over and tapped my shoulder, as if he knew something was up. Why is everyone being weird now?

Steve nodded at me and followed Tony out of the room, Sam also following the married couple after giving me a brief hug. But Bucky stayed. His eyes scanned me over, and when he stood up to walk over me it suddenly all clicked into place. Finally, took you long enough.

"You went with them? I thought you didnt do missions either? Is that why you never answered your door? Oh fuck I thought you was ignoring me! Oh shit I fucked up... wait are you okay? You didnt get hurt did you? I can take you to medical if you want, I know-" my ramblings were cut off by his lips meeting my own, him interrupting me in a way he clearly enjoyed. I felt his hands grip my waist and when we pulled away for breath he rested his forehead on mine.

After a moment of silence he found his voice and it cut through my worries almost instantly, "I'm okay now Doll I promise, I'd never ignore you especially after the other night I'm sorry. I dont do missions but Steve needed me so I went, I'm sorry I didnt tell you I thought someone else would. I'm sorry Doll." He smiled at me and gently kissed my forehead, causing me to hum with happiness. Thank fuck he doesnt hate us, the voice in my head breathed a sigh of relief and wiped her brow, grateful I hadn't lost him.

I stayed quiet for a while, just soaking in this moment of calm to ensure all my worries had been throughly erased. He pulled me in for a hug, his hand meeting the back of my head gently to encourage me to snuggle into his chest. Naturally, I did so and instantly felt warm. It was as if I craved the super soldier all the time without even knowing the full extent of that need. My body only seemed to feel warm when around him, my mind only relaxed when in his presence, my heart a little less broken when next to his. It was like he was putting me back together without even knowing it.

Bucky's POV:

Those 3 nights away from my Doll were torture. I went from enjoying breakfast with her to being swept up in hydra mess again, even if it was on the good side now. It was a terrible feeling having to leave her after she let me have every inch of her, I'd hate to leave Ell anyway but that ate at me the entire time.

When my girl walked into the briefing room she gave me a confused look, clearly she wasnt expecting me to be sat there but why not? That's when I saw it. Behind the confusion in her eyes was the one emotion I'd never want her to feel. Shes hurt. But why? Did I cause it?

When everyone else left the room I stood and walked over too her, and I saw her relax instantly, her stunning hazel orbs swirling with realisation. That's when she opened that pretty little mouth and started rambling, adorable Kukla.

As much as I loved hearing her voice again I couldnt resist kissing her, I'd missed her too much to not at this point. When I pulled away I did my best to answer all the questions Ellie had asked to calm her down. Her entire being seemed to relax once I was done, and I pulled her close to me. I craved her more than I thought would be possible, but the hug satisfied me enough for now. Holding her always helped, and feeling her breathe against my chest seemed to ease my worries and cause the exhaustion to sink in.

"Hey Doll? Wanna go lie down?" I felt her nod against my chest and I smiled to myself. Shes too perfect for this world.

I pulled away but kept a hand on her waist as I guided us to her room. She seemed overly relaxed, more like purely exhausted than anything. I wondered if she didnt sleep either, but decided not to ask and focus on getting her to rest now. We could both do with a nap clearly.

Once in her room she seemed to lean into me more and guide us to her bed. She climbed in and settled under the blankets, then looked up at me to convince me to follow suit. I kicked off my boots and removed my jacket, then met my Doll under the covers and pulled her close to me. The way she instantly snuggled into me and basically turned to jelly on my side made my heart warm for her. She was too good for this world. Too good for me, that much was certain, but I'd be damned if I would let her go now.

Ellie's hum broke my train of thoughts, allowing me to hear her adorable mumble of "goodnight Buck, be here when I wake up please". I smiled at her, even if she couldn't see it, and squeezed her closer to me. She giggled sleepily and I felt my heart become a little less broken thanks to the sound.

"Goodnight Doll, I'll see you when you wake up" and like clockwork, we both fell into some much needed sleep instantly.

Kukla = Doll (russian)

Hey darlings! So sorry I've been gone for a while, lifes been crazy recently but I'll do my best to start writing again. I hope you enjoyed this chapter, even if it is a little shorter than what I'd like.

I would also like to thank you guys for getting this book to over one thousand reads! I cant believe it! I'm so incredibly grateful for everyone who's given this book a chance, and those who've shown it some love. Thank you so much <3

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