Ch 6: its just empty threats

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Madeline and Espresso were setting out to look for the treasure. Of course they were both packed with the essentials, of course along with enough materials to make about 50 coffees, because Espresso would be a tired mess without them.
They walked down the isle towards their sugar horses, civilians of the Republic cheering and shouting, they were enough to make Espresso's ears hurt. He was maintaining a steady pace, nodding at cookies as he walked by.
Madeleine, however, was stopping to shake people's hands, which led him to fall behind.

When he was about to climb on his horse, he felt a tug on his arm. He thought it was random person. He turned his head to see who it was, only to find Madeleine's mother who was grabbing his arm.
Espresso looked confused. "May I help you madam Crème brûlée?" He politely asked, his tone kept monotone.
He never really liked users of light magic, they acted all so better than everyone. He hated it, but when being spoken to by one of the most powerful people in the Republic, he had to show at least some respect, even if he despised it.

Crème brûlée forcefully released his arm and looked at him, with a condescending stare.
"Listen to me when I say this. If you ever become close with Madeleine, if you ever start teaching him your so-called 'coffee magic' you will suffer the consequences"

Espresso narrowed his eyes, "what consequences do you speak of exactly?" His voice was a pitch lower, but still attempted to remain respectful.

Crème brûlée raised her head, but her eyes still locked with Espresso's.

"Well, it is quite simple! You would rather have your whole reputation go up in flames, be despised by everyone, or the most likely version, we would force to have you returned to the Republic and be publicly tortured until you die!"
Her voice was all too cheerful for Espresso to understand.

"We take light magic very seriously. We can not have our son be tinted with such a monstrosity."

Crème brûlée stopped her threatening when she saw Madeleine approach, unfortunately he wasn't aware of what was going on, everyone was too busy cheering him

Madeleine turned to his mom and smiled, Crème brûlée wrapped him in a hug and after, Madeleine and Espresso climbed into their sugar horses and galloped away.

Once out of sight from the Republic, Madeleine and Espresso were alone, alone together.
"Well, Espresso cookie, it's great to meet you! I've been wanting to speak with you for a long time, but of course my mother wouldn't let me, she's very prestigious, as you know, so she's very hesitant about me making friends!" Madeleine laughed, Espresso could hear his smile beaming.

Espresso rolled his eyes, but since he was behind Madeleine, he didn't see that. He had to remain respectful, he didn't know Madeleine that much, for all he knew, he could act exactly like Crème brûlée.

"I am aware about your mother." He maintained a simple response, he didn't know what to say.

Madeleine nodded. Scrambling to figure out what to say next.

After 20 minutes of silence, trekking through dry grasslands, before Madeleine came up with an idea on what to say.

"Have you ever seen of the plays shown by the Republic? I've always wanted to see one!" Madeleine's sudden loud voice, shocked Espresso out of his daydreaming.

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