Ch 8: what ever did happen?

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Espresso and Madeleine asked around small villages, about the treasure they hoped to find, but unfortunately enough for them, they couldn't find any people who knew what the treasure was, let alone finding directions. They asked around a dozen villages, until they met a older person.

"Hello! Sir! Do you know what the Treasure of Legend's Past is? Madeleine asked, and even to he had asked that same exact question about a hundred times, he still seemed just as hopeful and energetic every time.

The man was hunched over with cane in hand he turned his whole body to face Madeleine, and proceeded to squinted at Him and Espresso, who was silently next to him.

"The treasure of legend's past, you say?" The old man gave a crackled laugh.
"Poor son, that treasure that you speak of is just a mere myth! It is not actually true."
"That can't be possible." Espresso retorted,
"The Republic has sent us all this was to find this treasure, it has to be true, no? They wouldn't have sent us this far away if it wasn't true, we spent weeks just trying to find simple directions!"
He opened his arms, as if showing any arm gestures would get him anywhere.
The man let out an innocent shrug.
"I don't know what else to say to you, kiddo. If it was true, you wouldn't have to go ask a bunch of places, now would you?"
Madeleine shook his head and slumped his shoulders in defeat,
"He has a point Espresso, if people knew about it, surely they would at least tell us what the treasure is, We should go back and report back to the Republic."
Espresso gave him a betrayed look.
"But, they wouldn't have sent us otherwise."
The man gave a hoarse laugh, "it almost makes it sound like they were trying to get rid of you both!"
Espresso shot an annoyed glance at the man.
"Nonsense" Madeleine laughed, trying to avert a fight from breaking out.
He whispered to Espresso,
"Let's go somewhere elsewhere"
Espresso pinched the bridge of his nose and let out a sharp sigh. "Fine."
Madeleine started walking to the exit of the kingdom, with Espresso slowly tailing behind.
Once they have made it past the exit, and into a nearby forest, they placed their belongings onto the grass and sat across one another.
"This is just simply absurd." Espresso gritted his teeth, he dug his fingers into his head.
"maybe they were trying to get rid of us," Espresso mocked the man, "What a vacuous dunce."
Madeleine let out a sigh. "I agree, it is indeed a bit nonsensical, but think logically for a few seconds and-
Espresso tightened the grip on his hair.
"What are you trying to imply? Espresso spat, "so you agree that the republic wants us gone? I never knew you could be so.. so mindless!"
"I never said that." Madeleine retorted back, his tone sounded hurt.
"Then what did you mean by it?" Espresso demanded, he started shaking from other overwhelming anger. his tone sounding even more desperate and angry.
Madeleine slowly stood up and let out a deep sigh.
"Listen, I'm going back. You can with me and explain to them about the treasure."
"This is unbelievable." Espresso responded, his voice dropped to just above a whisper, "giving up just like that, I cannot believe you." he let out a scoff.
Madeleine always hated when someone mentioned about him giving up, but this was the straw that broke the camel's back.
"I'm going back to get more information! This isn't giving up, it's being SMART." Madeleine yelled back.
He briskly took his belongings and left at a fast pace, leaving Espresso behind.
Espresso released his hand from his head; he can blame the soon occurring headache from that.

Espresso sat down for a while, rethinking what he had said.
He didn't want to go back. He was scared. However, the thought of the republic wanting to get rid of them was just pain absurd and painful.
He never would want to admit it, but he would rather go live somewhere else other than the republic.
He didn't want to face his parents again, he didn't want to see crème brûlée ever again; can't blame him for it either.
He stood up, except a bit too fast and for a brief second he was a tad bit light headed. Once the lightheadedness  passed, he picked up his belongings and began thinking where he should go.

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