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I stared in awe as I crept closer, a raccoon jumped out if my car, stared at me and then it hissed and waddled away. I was terrified, my wallet was in that car! I ran to the door quickly unlocked it and searched for my wallet, luckily I put my wallet in a place where no one would look for it.
A while ago when I first got the car, I tore the floor of the car by accident. Just a week ago I thought it would we a good place to put my wallet, and that's exactly what I did. I checked to see if the money was still in it, it was.
I got out of the car and just stood there "what do I do now?" I asked out loud, not knowing that the lady from apartment 16B was standing there. "Oh I see someone broke into your car huh?" The lady asked, "we'll yeah it was a crappy car anyways so it's not that important" "it's not that important huh?" The old lady said on a mocking way, "I think you could really use a new car", "come over here I have something for you". The old lady walked off in the direction in the junk yard just across the street, I decided to follow her I mean it can't get much worse right?.
She opened the gate and walked in, we walked behind a pile of junk and there it was, an almost brand new 67 Chevrolet Impala. "Wow this thing is brand new" I said in amazement, "why would someone throw this out?", the old lady said nothing she just opened the door and pointed to the inside. "You want me to get inside?" "Well of corse you can't just walk to the store" the old lady smiled.
She opened the glove compartment and there were the keys, she picked them up and handed them to me. "Isn't this somebody's?" I asked not wanting to be rude, "no not any more" I climbed in the car, for as old as the brand is it still smelled like a new car. "My name is Jack... Jack Kepts" I said not sure if I should of gave out my real name. "Agatha, Agatha Grooch" the lady replied, I shook the lady's hand and said "nice to meet you Agatha Grooch".
I drove off wandering why she was so nice, no one had ever been that nice to me before, not being one minute later as I pulled out of the junk yard I wanted to wave goodbye, when I turned around she was gone. "Maybe she went behind the pile" I wondered to my self, not thinking much about it I drove off. I only got a couple of things at the store, being that I haven't gotten my pay check yet. I drove home smelling the donut I decided to get for myself, thinking that I probably deserved it. When I got home I instantly got the donut out, it was a white powdered donut with chocolate cream filling the inside, my mouth was watering at the thought of eating it. I was so hungry. As I was eating my donut I got on my computer, my email said I got a message from one of the dating websites that I was on, my heart stopped. I went to check to check what the message said, my profile looks like this.
Jack Kepts
Age 26, single of course
Bio: I am a calm person, I'm kinda quiet but I can be loud if I have had too much to drink ;), I have a low paying job as a writer but it still gets me through the day. When I think of dating I want a girl that is not too fast, I want to take the relationship slow and steady so we have time to get to know each other, I live alone in an old little apartment and it gets super lonely, thanx for reading, Jack.
It's kinda simple but I like it, I always had faith in this site, after all that was the best Bio I have ever written. In that Bio I decided to be truthful, I didn't want to lie and get the girl all exited for nothing, and finally it worked, I finally got a message. I opened up the message and here is what it said. Dear Jack, My name is Dakota Warths and you truly seem like a kind and gentle man. You interest me so much and I would like to meet you at a diner called Saint Louis's Bistro on Saturday, 6:00. See you there hopefully, Sincerely, Dakota.

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