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I decided to check if Dakota had emailed me back yet, sure enough she did it read.
Dear Jack,
I am very happy and excited to hear that you can come, I haven't been in a date in forever it so
nice to hear that I can finally go out with someone again :). By the way it is a fancy restaurant so bring something nice, can't wait to see you.
Sincerely, Dakota.
I was so happy, no one has ever been that nice to me before, I mean apparently the old lady was dead long before she talked to me so I guess that doesn't count. The excitement got to me, I started making weird noises then before I knew it I was bouncing off the walls, "Woohoo!" I yelled smiling a huge smile, I was more happy then I have ever been. When I was in high school I could never get a date I was always the kid sitting in the back of the room when a dance was going on, I was also very shy so I guess that was partially my fault.
I was about to start to watch a new show I have been wanting to watch for a while when another loud bang came from the kitchen, "Taylor was that you?" I called out "yeah I was looking for the donuts I saw earlier" she hollered back, I let out a sigh of relief as I walked into the kitchen "where have you been you worried me" "I just wanted to gather up my stuff you know because even though I'm homeless I still have clothes. I got into the fridge and handed her the box of donuts, "here you can have the rest" she had a big grin on her face as I handed her the box. Taylor was a very pretty girl, although she was rugged and skinny she still was a beautiful young lady, she had big full pink lips, and bright crystal blue eyes although something about them were kind of dead looking, she had honey blonde hair that was cut short like a pixie cut, she had a small chest but that wasn't important.
"You know we could go out and get something to eat if you want" I said to her "uh I actually want you to save your time for your date tomorrow" "oh ok", "wait what?! How did you know I had a date tomorrow?!" I said practically screaming "did you look at my computer?" Taylor just looked at me "why is there something you don't want me to see on it?" She asked giving me a smug look " that's not it it's just I like my privacy" I was totally lying, I mean what can I say I'm a single grown man living on his own in a shabby old apartment I have to pass time in some way. "Oh well no I did not if it's that important to you" she said acting hurt "but you didn't have to freak out gosh" with that she walked into the other room, I followed her. "What are you doing?" She picked up one of my mothers old vases and shook it, "there's something in here" she said "what?" I walked over to her and she gave me the vase I tipped it upside down and a piece of paper came out I opened up the paper, read it, and started to sob, Taylor just looked at me "are you okay?" I just kept sobbing I dropped the paper and fell to my knees, Taylor walked over, picked up the paper and read it. The note was from my mom before she died it said
Dear Jack,
I know by now I am probably long gone, but I just want to tell you something. I did not commit suicide like the cops are probably going to say, it was your father who killed me. Your father has been acting really, really strange lately and I think he is going insane. I think that by the time you reach the age of 18 or so he will kill me, you are only 12 now so I have some time before your father will kill me. I want you to know that I love you Jackie you are my son and I will be with you forever never let that thought go. Remember that time I kissed you on the cheek when you left the house to go hang out with your friends last week?, well if you do I want you to hold you want to your cheek when you get lonely, it will remind you of me hopefully. Love, mom
A single tear welled up in Taylor's eyes as she bent down to stroke my back, "I am so sorry"

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