Chapter 3: Step Into Faith. Another Land's Encounter

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Yuika had landed face first to the floor, getting up after a moment of realizing what happened

Yuika:"Where am i-? Yus? Yusuru!? Where-!?"

Yus:"Calm down, i'm up here..." I called up to her from above

She turned to the sky, seeing me over a floating platform that i had landed on

Yus:"Why does this place have floating dirt?.."

Yuika:"Oh i know, this is just a small part of Yoshika's universe, where we are right now is somewhere in her Faction

I got off the platform and looked around, seeing where we had landed on...some kind of burnt and dark forest

Yus:"...yep this place sure seems corrupted"

Suddenly, we heard a loud roar coming from our side

Yus:"What was that?.." I asked outloud while holding my sword with both hands

Yuika:"Oh no...careful"

As she said that, i felt another presence nearby and quickly turned around, facing our new opponents

As she said that, i felt another presence nearby and quickly turned around, facing our new opponents

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Yus:"What the heck is that!?" I asked as i kept my sword pointing at them


Yus:"The who with what for which?"

Yuika:"Fire wolves, they travel in packs and attack anyone foolish enough to defy them..."

The one in the middle howled, making a few more appear behind them

Yuika:"This is bad, they wont let us through"

I spun my sword around my hand and growled

Yus:"Then we'll make an opening, no backing down now"

???:"DUCK!" Another voice said from behind us

Yus:"Where?" I looked around upon being told a duck could be around


Yus:"Oh the action, not the ani- wait-"

As soon as we ducked, all the wolves were burnt to ashes by a solid-light arrow that was shot from behind us, soon a lot more following and piercing all the wolves one by one

???:"Are you two alright?" Asked once again the voice, this time right behind me

Turning around, i saw a girl with black hair and yellow glowing eyes offering me her hand, which i gladly took and got lifted up

Black haired girl:"Sorry for the sudden appearance, but it was either that or i risked you being eaten-"

Yuika:"Oi i'm also here you know?" Said Yuika as she was getting up at my side

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