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The Vampire Diaries 

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The Vampire Diaries 

S1 Ep16

Sasha had intended on going home after the events of last night but when she was waiting for a ride back she ran into Tyler. And so this morning she was waking up in the older boy's arms and his bed. Sasha stayed still not wanting to wake him up. Guilt, that's what she was feeling. Guilt for using Tyler as a form of escape. Sasha thought that she could grow to like him, but in the back of her mind, she knew it was only because she wanted someone. And that isn't a good enough reason to mess with someone's heart. 

Tyler's arms pull her closer to his naked chest. "Good morning", he whispers into her ear, sending shivers down her spine. Sasha turns around to look at him. She smiles shyly at him, "Good morning". 

Tyler leans forward to kiss her on the lips. "I could get used to waking up like this every morning", he says into her lips. Before Sasha could warn him that they weren't dating, a voice interrupts her.

"Tyler honey, you're going to be late for school", Carol Lockwood shouts as she makes her way to her son's bedroom.

"Fuck", both of them say, Tyler's mother could not find a half-naked Sasha in his room. She would freak out. 

"Get under the bed!", Tyler starts pushing Sasha out of the bed. 

"Are you insane?", Sasha whisper yells back, "I'm not hiding anywhere". Tyler ignores her and shoves her into his closet just before his mother walks in. Sasha can see more or less what is happening inside the room through the slats of the closet. 

"Tyler, honey, why aren't you dressed yet? C'mon get a move on", Carol Lockwood tells her son with disapproval in her voice. Mrs.Lockwood starts picking up stray items of clothing that were cluttering Tyler's room. Tyler spots Sasha's top across the room.

"Mom I can do that ok", Tyler says in a hurry to get his mother away. He takes her hands and starts pushing her towards the door. "I'll be down in like 10 minutes ok?".

"Ok, honey", Carol kisses the top of his head.

After she leaves Tyler turns around to see an angry Sasha emerging from the closet. Seeing her attempting an angry face while being half-naked and her hair all disheveled just makes Tyler laugh. 

"It's not funny", Sasha says annoyed. 

"I'm sorry but it is", Tyler says in between laughs. "You should see yourself.".

"We nearly got caught, Ty", Sasha says exasperated. 

Tyler walks over to her. Sasha takes a step back, annoyed at him for making fun of her. Tyler puts his hands on her face and pulls her closer. "But we didn't ok? Everything is fine". Sasha still doesn't smile. Tyler brushes her hair back and kisses her. "C'mon don't be like that", he says into her mouth. Although Sasha tries to hold it back, a small smile appears on her face. "There it is", Tyler jokes before kissing her again. 

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