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The Vampire Diaries

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The Vampire Diaries

S2 Ep11

"Do you really think she's going to take the moonstone with her?", Sasha asks Jeremy while they both sit on his bed. Jeremy is telling her about his and Bonnie's plan to see if they could trust Elena not to go on any more suicide missions.

"I don't want her to, but we need to know if she will so we can keep her safe", Jeremy sighs.

"And you get Bonnie here as a bonus right?", Sasha can't help but tease her brother.

Jeremy grabs a pillow and throws it at her head. Sasha dodges the pillow and starts laughing. "You're so annoying", Jeremy grumbles before getting up and heading into Elena's room where she and Bonnie are talking about their new plan to de-spell the moonstone. Sasha follows him to the room trying to contain her smile.

"What are you guys arguing about?", Jeremy asks at the older girl's raised voices.

"We're not arguing", Bonnie states before grabbing the moonstone off the bed and tucking it in her bag. "I'm getting coffee". Sasha moves to let Bonnie pass leaving the siblings alone in the room.

"Why are you trying to get yourself killed?", Jeremy asks angrily. Sasha understands why he's upset with the situation. They all lost their parents, and Jeremy lost Anna and Vicki. He didn't want to lose anyone else.

"I'm trying to keep all of you safe Jer", Elena pleads with them.

"Sacrificing yourself to Klaus isn't going to keep any of us safe", Sasha sadly states before walking downstairs with her brother. If Elena kept trying to give herself up all the people that cared about her were going to constantly put themselves in harm's way to save her. KIt wasn't going to keep anyone safe.

Bonnie and Sasha grab a coffee in the kitchen. Sasha wants to ask her so badly if Bonnie also has feelings for Jeremy but if she did Jeremy would probably kill her. The two girls turn around when they hear creaking coming from the stairs. They walk towards it, only to see Elena walking towards the door. "Where are you going?", Sasha asks her innocently.

"To see Stefan", Elena replies with the slightest delay, a cue that she was lying.

"Your lying", Bonnie tells her.

"No I'm not", Elena laughs off the accusation.

"You are a terrible liar sis", Sasha tells her sadly.

"She took the moonstone", Jeremy announces coming down the stairs.

Elena looks at all of them in turn, "How did you-".

"We tested you", Sasha replies. "And you failed.".

Elena's face shows how angry she is. "Klaus killed Katherine's entire family just because she crossed him. Do you guys understand that? I'm not letting that happen". Sasha and Bonnie move out of the way to let Elena pass. Elena opens the door but as she tries to walk outside there is an invisible wall of air keeping her in. Elena tries pushing against it but is unsuccessful.

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