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The Vampire Diaries 

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The Vampire Diaries 

S2 Ep 13

Uncle John refused to answer the girls' questions. After Stefan went in search of Isobel he brought John back with him, with the pretense that he was there to keep Elena safe. But when the girls' interrogated him about his plans he would just answer with vague promises of safety. Sasha didn't know if she believed the man or not. After the stunt, he pulled the last time he was in town that ended with Damon nearly dead, the girl didn't want to believe in his promises. But he was Elena's true father, there had to be some truth in what he was saying. At least that's what Sasha wanted to believe. After not getting anywhere with John, Sasha called it a night and went to sleep. 

When she woke up in the morning Sasha checked her phone to see if Tyler had gotten back to her. She was starting to get worried. "Hey, Ty. Text me. Please. I'm worried", Sasha texted him before getting out of bed. 

"He's just down there", Elena says before storming into her sister's room. Sasha grabs her beating heart.

"Jeez. Ever heard of knocking?", Sasha goes into the bathroom while Elena keeps talking to her. 

"John. He's just there drinking coffee. And he refuses to tell me what he's doing here", Elena huffs.

Sasha comes out fully dressed. "He can't keep his intention a secret forever. Maybe if we go down there and corner him he won't have a shot at lying?", Sasha tries to find a solution. But after last night, she doubted that John would ever tell them why he was here. 

The sisters go downstairs and into the kitchen.

"Morning", John says with a smirk on his face. 

Elena doesn't even give him a chance to say anything else. "What are you doing here?", Elena interrogates him. 

"Coffee", John asks setting up two mugs on the table. 

"We're not doing that", Elena cuts him off, which was a shame because Sasha was looking forward to that cup of coffee. 

"No more avoiding", Sasha pleaded with him, "Just tell us why you're here". 

"I'm here to protect Elena. That's all I can say at the moment", he replies. 

"What do you mean that's all you can say? This isn't the secret service", Sasha asks incredulously. What was he on?

"I'll tell you more when I can trust you two", John answers simply. Before either Sasha or Elena can argue back Jenna comes downstairs with Alaric in toe. 

"Oh god I'm late", Jenna complains. When she notices John standing in the kitchen she stops dead in her tracks. "What the hell".

"Good morning to you, Jenna, Alaric", John says all too smugly. 

"It's okay I'm confused, right? Because we were not expecting you, like ever", Jenna looks at both the girls in turn with angry looks. Sasha starts feeling guilty for not giving her aunt any warning about him. 

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