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The Vampire Diaries

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The Vampire Diaries

S2 Ep 17

Sasha stared at the woman who had come to ruin their lives. Isobel was just standing there, looking guilty, something Sasha was sure she couldn't even feel. From the hurt in Jenna's eyes, it was obvious that the damage had been made.

"Hello, Elena", Isobel said, "It's nice to see you again".

"Again?", Jenna asks softly, not wanting to believe it.

"So you're the woman who's dating my husband?", Isobel continues as if nothing is happening. Sasha stays back near the kitchen looking at the scene unfolding before her. Elena walked up to the door to try and explain herself but no words were coming out. "I need to speak to Elena. May I come in?". Sasha takes a step forward not wanting that woman to get into their house.

"N- No, no, no, no. D- Don't invite her in", Elena stammered out.

"I need to talk to you Elena", Isobel tries to convince her. If Sasha didn't know what a complete psychopath she was, she would have believed the older woman.

"No!", Elena says loudly before slamming the door in her mother's face.

"Jenna-", Sasha tried reaching out for her aunt but she just shrugged her off and turned to both sisters with tears in her eyes.

"Did you both know she was still alive?", Jenna asked, her voice catching on a sob. The answer was obvious from both girls' faces. "Ric? John? Did they know?".

"We can explain everything", Sasha begged with a despair she had never felt before.

"No", Jenna said simply before turning around and running up the stairs.

"Jenna. Please", Elena implored as the two girls ran after their aunt.

"Jenna. Please wait", Sasha begged as she saw her aunt run into her room and lock herself in. Sasha fell against the door wishing with all her might that she could undo what they just did. She tried the handle but it was no use. Jenna was not coming out any time soon.

"Jenna, please talk to us", Elena asked into the silence. "Let us just explain everything.".

"Jenna. Please", Sasha tried again holding back tears. But it was in vain. Jenna wasn't going to come out and talk to them.


Sasha spent the entire night tossing and turning about the Jenna situation. She felt awful, breaking the trust of the last family they had. Sasha had tried to talk to her last night, but all efforts were met with silence. Elena had called Ric as soon as the sun rose. She thought that maybe he could coerce Jenna into coming out so they could explain everything. But Sasha thought that Ric being there would only worsen the situation.

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