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The Vampire Diaries

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The Vampire Diaries

S2 Ep21

"Let me help!", Matt insisted coming over to help the girls close the door.

"We've got this!", Caroline exclaimed pushing him back. Tyler, in wolf form, lunges at the door and Charlotte has to brace herself against this impact, but Tyler doesn't stop attacking. 

"The door isn't going to hold", Matt warned. Tyler starts getting his head through the bars and the way they bend against his force is dangerous. Charlotte knows what she needs to do when Matt freezes with the shotgun. Hopefully, Tyler can forgive her for this. Charlotte rushes next to Matt and grabs the gun from his hands before turning around and shooting Tyler. The shot hits its target and they all hear Tyler whimper. 

"No!", Caroline screams, "It's Tyler!". But Charlotte fires two more shots. 

"He's trying to kill us!", Matt defends Charlotte's choices. 

"Wait", Caroline calls out putting herself in front of the gun. They all stop for a second and listen to the quietness. Tyler is lying still on the ground breathing deeply. "He's wounded", Caroline explains before starting to open the door. 

"Stay back!", Charlotte exclaims, what is she thinking?

"We can go around him", Caroline explains. 

"Are you nuts?", Matt asks. 

"You're not gonna shoot him again. Okay?", Caroline pleads with Charlotte. Charlotte nods her head in understatement before lowering the gun. "Both of you take my hand so we can speed away from here". Charlotte looks at Matt nodding before holding onto one of Caroline's outstretched hands. Matt looks at them hesitating at first but he relents and gives his hand to Caroline. She speeds both of them away from the cellar. 

Caroline drops them at the Lockwood's house. She quickly breaks in through the front door. "C'mon. In her", she shouts at them before turning around and locking the door. 

"Do you see anything?", Charlotte asks, looking out the window trying to spot anything in the dark forest. 

"We're not safe here", Matt argues. "If that thing wants in, it's getting in". Matt grabs the shotgun from Charlotte and starts loading more bullets.

"How did you even know what I was?", Caroline asks. Charlotte looks at Matt with guilty eyes. "I compelled you to forget". 

Matt looks at Charlotte giving her a small nod. "I was on vervain", he explains. "I faked forgetting so I could spy on you. It was your mom's idea". 

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