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S2 Ep9

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S2 Ep9

Sasha blew hot air into her hands in an effort to warm them up. Today was an exceptionally cold day for Mystic Falls and Sasha cursed Stefan silently for making her leave her warm and cozy bed earlier than normal. But Elena had argued with her sister insisting that it was important. And so Sasha stood outside the Salvotre mansion freezing her butt off waiting for someone to open the door. She was just about to ring the bell one more time when Damon opened the door for them. 

"Hello Sasha", he smirked at her and then turned to her sister to mutter a hello. Sasha noticed the tension between the two, but it was one-sided. Elena seemed unaware of Damon's strange gaze. Something had happened, Sasha just didn't know what. 

"Hey, Stefan in?", Sasha asked. 

"Yes he said it was important", Elena added. 

"Follow me", Damon said grimly and the girls walked into the house's entryway.  

"Hey", Stefan greeted the girls.

"What's this about?", Elena couldn't keep the suspicion from her voice. But instead of saying something Stefan merely stepped aside and let them see for themselves. A woman stepped into the corridor and tentatively smiled at them. Sasha wouldn't soon forget the face that had slapped her sister unconscious. 

"Rose?", Sasha asked surprised. After yesterday's events, Rose had fleed from the house as soon as Elijah was dead. The younger girl didn't know how to feel. Rose had been kind to her yesterday, as kind as someone could be when they were a kidnapper. But she had been ready to sell her sister to certain death. 

They all moved to the living room to hear what Rose had to say. "Look, I only know what I have picked over the years. That means I don't know what's true and what's a lie", Rose explained as she paced in front of the sisters sitting on the couch. "That's the problem with all this vampire crap. But Klaus I know is real.". Klaus, what a strange name Sasha thought. So uncommon it screamed ancient. This was the man that was after her sister, the one who wanted to use her as a sacrifice. 

"Who is he?", Sasha asked, her curiosity winning over. 

"He's one of the originals.", Damon answered her. "A legend". 

"An Original? Like Elijah?", Sasha was slowly connecting the dots. 

"No. Elijah was the easter bunny compared to Klaus", Rose said exasperatedly. Sasha gulped down her fear. What she had seen yesterday from the man in the suit exuded nothing but power. He had decapitated someone with his bare hand and from what her sister had told her the stakes and vervain had barely kept him down. If this Klaus was even more powerful than Elijah, would they ever stand a chance? If Klaus so was so much better than the man from yesterday, did that mean he was even more handsome? Sasha silently cursed her mind for wondering there. "Elijah is a foot soldier. Klaus is the real deal", Rose continued on, oblivious to Sasha's treacherous thoughts. 

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