005. Library trip

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(Probably going to switch PoV's throughout this chapter. First we start with Tommy and we'll go from there)

CW: swearing, uncomfortableness being the new kid

(1st Person PoV: Tommy's)

"Morning boys!" I said as I came up to Tubbo and Purpled.

"Morning," Purpled yawned.

"You stayed up playing Bedwars again," I noted.

"Oh gee, I didn't know," Purpled muttered sarcastically.

"And good morning to you," Tubbo said, rolling his eyes.

I poked him on his arm and he swatted my finger away while sticking his tongue out at me.

"You three! Get back to your seats!" A girl said, placing her hands on her hips.

What a bossy woman, I thought as Purpled, Tubbo and I went back to our seats begrudgingly.

The teacher came in with a couple of papers in her hands.

"Ok class, today we have a new student. Come on in," she said, turning to the table.

A really tall boy with fluffy sandy brown hair, a black and white mask and wearing sunglasses came in.

He looked nervous due to him fiddling around with his fingers.

"H-hi," he waved but said nothing else.

"This is Ryan Beloved. He recently moved here from America so be sure to treat him well and make him feel welcome," the teacher explained.

Immediately a lot of us began to bombarded him with questions.

"Where were you from?"

"Why are you so tall?"

"Why are you wearing a mask and sunglasses?"

"You have a weird last name."

"Can he sit next to me please?"

Questions that clearly made him feel uncomfortable.


Everyone went quiet and some glared at me and I glared at them back.

"You pricks are making him feel uncomfortable," I snapped.

"Yeah Tommy is right. Back off!" Purpled agreed.

Ryan relaxed a little as we said this.

"Thank you, now Ryan go sit next to Toby. He's the one with the brown hair covering one eye," the teacher pointed to Tubbo who scowled at the use of his real name.

We don't really like using our real names, we prefer our nicknames.

Ryan walked over to the empty seat next to Tubbo and stared at the desk.

"Alright, now open your textbooks to page 99 and Sarah start reading the first paragraph," the teacher said.

The class groaned and the same bossy girl shushed them loudly.

Like that does anything, I thought as I brought out my textbook.

Why am I even taking this class?

[Timeskip to Lunch]

"FINALLY!" I shouted.

"You don't need to shout that loudly," Tubbo said.

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