014. Speedrunning Adoption rn

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(Earlier that day. 1st Person PoV: Phil's)

I flipped the open sign to make it say closed.

I just wanted a day off and since I'm my own boss, I can say that Kristin and I get a day off today.

Besides, it's beginning to rain and I would rather not deal with wet carpets.

"Hey Phil, I'm going out to and get some groceries. Do you want anything?" Kristin asked as she grabbed her purse that was on the counter.

"No, not at the moment. Take an umbrella just in case," I said.

"I'm going to be driving, not walking in the rain," Kristin said.

"I know. Just a precaution," I explained.

"Ok, bye! Love you," Kristin grabbed the umbrella that was also near the counter and left through the back door.

"Love you too!" I called after her.

I decided to organize the kids section after she left.

It was a mess and I was too tired to clean it up yesterday. So it was just closed off until I decided to close for the day.

First, I reorganized the books in alphabetical order, put the beanbag chairs in their respective corners and put the stuffed animals in the shelves.

Tap! Tap! Tap!

I looked up from placing a raccoon stuffed animal to see a large black crow outside, tapping the door with their beak.

I went over and opened the door to let Chat in.

"Caw caw!" They squawked.

"Is everything alright? Do you need food, shelter or something?" I asked.

Chat has their own way of telling me things because I can't understand crow language.

They dance when they are excited about something, caw multiple times when they are hungry, shiver against my hand when they are scared or caw multiple times while flapping their wings when they are worried.

"Caw! Caw!" Chat flapped their wings around and kept hopping in and out of the door.

They were worried.

I held my hand out so Chat can perch upon it.

"Show me what's causing you worry," I told them.

"Caw!" They flew off and I quickly grabbed an umbrella that was just sitting near the door.

I closed the door behind me and followed Chat.

They flew over to a boy who was just sitting under a tree, hugging his knees.

I was a little confused. Why would this boy cause Chat to worry?

Chat began to caw at him and he lifted his head to stare at them.

They had a staring contest for a few seconds before Chat flew off.

The boy looked very confused.

I decided to speak up to let him know that I was there.

"Are you alright mate?" I asked.

The boy looked up quickly as I said this.

There were faint tear marks on his cheeks like he was crying earlier.

This caused me to worry a bit. Like I was beginning to understand why Chat was worried.

"Pfft. Y-yeah I'm alright! I'm always alright!" He boasted.

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