033. Thank you

392 20 15

(Sometime later. 3rd Person PoV)

"Wake up or we'll be late," Phil came into Tommy's room and opened the blinds so that the early sunlight could shine in.

"F*ck you, five more minutes," Tommy whined.

"We'll miss our flight if you sleep in for five minutes," Phil told him.

"It's fiiiiiiiine," Tommy said before getting hit in the face with a pillow.

"Get up and change so you can have breakfast," Phil told him and left his room.

Tommy sat up and threw the pillow at the now closed door.

He went to the drawers and grabbed his already made clothes. He quickly changed and went to eat breakfast.

Walter walked up to him and wagged his tail. He seemed a lot happier than the past couple of months.

Betty was just chilling on a small sofa.

Kristen placed out some breakfast on the table when Tommy arrived.

"Here, eat quickly. We need to go before traffic gets bad. Hopefully we'll make it on time," she told him.

"The airport isn't even that far," Tommy pointed out as he ate the pancakes.

"Still, traffic is terrible around the airport so it's best to go early," Kristin said as Phil dragged a suitcase out of their room and walked towards the front.

"Tommy, once you're done eating, put Walter and Betty in their crates. Make sure that they have eaten enough food and drank loads of water," he called out.

"I got you," Tommy called out.

It took a short bit but the three of them walked out of the house, placed their suitcases in the car, placed Walter and Betty's crates where Tommy would be sitting and then got in the car themselves and drove off.

Tommy opened the group chat to see what was all the fuss about in there.


Why are we still here? Just to suffer


For the last time, Skeppy isn't my date. I'm taking him as my friend


How long are you going to friend-zone the poor guy


Justice for Skeppy!


You can't deny it any longer!


You silly muffin heads! >:(


Poor poor Skeppy


Hi Tommy! Are u on ur way?


Yessir o7


I'm already there 😎



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