015. You are my dad. You're my DAD! Woogie woogie woogie

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(Did I just quote a Vine? Yes I did now shush chirren! Jk you wisps may be older than me so...anyway back to the story)

TW/CW: mentions of verbal ab/se, bad parent, panic attack (?), brief mention of a panic attack.
Let me know if I missed any

(Still in Phil's PoV)

"Tommy huh? That's a nice name," I noted, trying to be polite.

"Phil sounds like an old man name," he muttered.

"I'm not old, you child," I said.

"I'm NOT a child! I'm a big man!" He sat up straight and puffed out his chest.

I slightly chuckled at this but there's was something...familiar about what he said.

Like I heard it from someone. Someone I know.

"Have we met somewhere? I swear you look familiar," I asked.

"I mean...I have been here once. I left my pencil bag for a few seconds," he explained.

"Oh that was you? Well I guess no wonder you looked familiar to me," I noted.

No that can't be, can it? I know I have seen him but why do I feel like I talked to someone who is similar to him? I thought.

"So...this library. You said that you own this right? You just sit around on your free time and read?" Tommy asked, attempting to break the ice.

"No. On my free time, I do something else," I replied.

"Like what? Play old man games?" Tommy asked.

"No I build things in Minecraft," I said, rolling my eyes.

"No way!? You play Minecraft too?" Tommy's eyes shined at this.

"Hell yeah I do," I said.

"That's so cool. What do you do? Just build things? Explore biomes? Survive? Play in Hardcore?" He asked.

"Nowadays I just play in Hardcore. Would you believe me if I told you that I survived five years in one world before dying but then I started a new Hardcore world?" I said.

"Five years!? Nah you're joking," Tommy scoffed.

"No it's true. I lasted five years and died to a baby zombie. God, I'm getting flashbacks right now," I explained, shaking my head slightly.

"That's interesting. Also like...also like him...," Tommy trailed off.

"Hmm? Who is this him?" I asked.

"Just a friend I talk to," he murmured.

There was something more to that. I could feel like he wanted to explain more but he just dropped it and began to stare at the outside.

"So you also play Minecraft?" I asked, trying to lighten up the mood.

"Yeah I play a lot of modded worlds with my friends. They are a thousand percent funnier!" Tommy replied, happily.

I laughed at this.

"You seem very enthusiastic about that," I noted.

"Playing with friends is fun," Tommy huffed.

"That's true," I said.

Seriously there's something familiar about him. What if...hmmm, I thought.

"Looks like my phone is nearly done charging. I should...really answer the messages," Tommy muttered.

I sighed before taking out my phone.

Wrong Number you child (AngelsDuo)Where stories live. Discover now