Chapter seven

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Mary pulled out every excuse she could to avoid eating the following morning as she knew that is what was causing the mental block. She also tried to convince her mother not to eat but that didn't go well as her mother never skipped a meal and grounded her for her behavior.

"I don't know what's up with you young lady, you've been acting very strange are you on drugs?" Kristina asked.

"I am not on drugs!" Mary exclaimed. "Mom, I'm just trying to warn you about the food I think someone has tampered with it,"

"Like who I'm the one that bought it, no one has been around the food except me and your father," Kristina answered. "Now I'm running late I have to go and if I see this behavior when I get back I'm grounding you," Mary wasn't happy about how her mother had reacted and stormed out of the house as Goldie had followed her out. She was so angry and annoyed that all this had to have been caused by Shauna or whatever that dark presence was that surrounded her. She walked down the street when she collided with someone so hard that it made her fall back. Goldie stayed in one of the trees and watched.

"Wow are you okay, I'm sorry I just didn't see you," Sam said, helping her stand up.

"I'm fine," Mary said as she saw who she was talking to. It took all her willpower not to hug him and call him her father. "I wasn't paying attention either,"

"Wait, I know you," Sam said to her. "You're Kristina's daughter," he continued.

"Yeah," Mary said. "I am her daughter but the guy she's with, I don't like him."

"Why he can't be that bad," Sam said, trying to lighten the mood. "Does he make your mother happy?" He suddenly asked.

"No! She's not supposed to marry him," Mary said. "She doesn't feel happy at all, I can tell, it's like she's just letting him tell her what to do," Sam wasn't sure to say that. Obviously, Mary wasn't happy about this man her mother had married, but he wasn't sure what to say to make her feel better. "Like the wedding ring she has on her finger is made from a fake silver and an Amethyst, anyone who knows my mom knows that she wants her birthstone on her finger,"

"Did you see her birthstone?" Sam asked as he started getting a headache. Mary nodded and noticed that her father was in pain. She made a bold move and asked him if he was hurt but he didn't answer and ran off.

"Daddy," Mary said, wanting to follow him. Goldie stopped her saying that she needed to let him go so that he could fight against the mental block in his head. "What do you mean?" She asked.

"I mean that certain things will cause your father to remember who he is, but the memory block is strong and will take time to tear down without an antidote," Goldie explained. Sam didn't know where he was going but he couldn't seem to stop the pain in his head. Flashes played in his head over and over again every time he thought about what Mary had told him. He saw himself picking out a ring that was rounded cut with a diamond and small turquoise gems. It was perfect and it reminded him of how his girlfriend was beautiful but also strong. The flash ended and he was confused as to why he would see such a thing.

"What the hell?" He asked himself as the pain disappeared. Meanwhile, Ti was flying through the air grumbling to himself and wondering how he had gotten himself into this situation. Sure he was a spirit animal that could take physical form but that kid really had a lot of street smarts. He knew that he had been like his father; he just didn't know how much. Ti hated going to the castle; it was one of the places he didn't want to fly by but now he had no choice. He arrived at the castle and searched for a way in. When he found an open window he decided to enter and land on one of the high shelves. Hopefully, he'd be able to hear everything, in the room he saw that Shauna had been busy there was a bowl of water which made him realize that was how Shauna had been watching them. The mirror was also there too, he remained silent as Shauna entered the room.

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