Chapter thirteen

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Ezra and Mary still had their concerns and questions after all that had happened, but it seemed like their parents had no knowledge of what had happened which was for the most part maybe a good thing.

"What's on your mind?" Ezra asked his cousin.

"Everything really," Mary answered. "I keep thinking about our parents, seeing that place and how awful it was," she continued. "I don't want either of us to end up like Shauna,"

"Hey don't talk like that," Ezra responded. "You don't have to worry about that because we have something that she doesn't,"

"What's that?" Mary asked.

"Something worth fighting for," Ezra answered. She smiled at him and wondered if she should reconsider the promise she made to Castiel. Ezra was her best friend and they told each other everything so what was so bad about her telling him now? Especially when she knew that keeping a secret from him would strain their relationship. Her thoughts were interrupted by her little brother.

"Birdies come see!" Little Dean exclaimed, pulling on his sister and cousin. The toddler didn't like that he wasn't getting much attention.

"Alright, kid we are coming," Ezra responded. "Where do you see birdies?" He asked, kneeling down.

"Up," Little Dean pointed to one of the many trees around the bunker. Sure enough both Ti and Goldie were sitting in the tree keeping a close eye on them. "I want a birdie,"

"Maybe someday little buddy," Mary told him. "But for now let's play okay?"

"Catch me!" He exclaimed running off. The backyard was very large so he had a lot of space to go. Ezra chased after him but faked defeat and laid on the ground. "E get up!'

"I can't, I've been defeated," Ezra responded, trying to sound tired. Mary laughed at the scene and wished she had a camera. "You win kid,"

"Yay, now I am the king!" Little Dean exclaimed. While the kids were playing outside, The rest of the Winchester clan had gone into the living room to speak with Castiel. While they didn't quite remember everything they did remember what Castiel had mentioned. Even though Dean was not too happy about Ezra being a conduit.

"Is everyone doing well?" Castiel asked.

"Yeah we're fine," Shela responded. "I can remember, however, a strange dream. I don't know if anyone else had it but we were in some form of future, and we didn't know each other.

"That is true," Castiel responded. "You were in a future that Shauna had created with the help of Lucifer. But right now Lucifer is locked away," he continued." Though for how long, I am not certain," he continued. "I assume you remember that Ezra is an angel conduit, second generation," Dean grumbled to himself, especially since now that he knew about Ezra's gift, he worried that the angels would go after him.

"I already knew that Ezra had the gift," Shela said. "It's passed down from parent to child,"

"Yes, but did it have to be an angel conduit?" Dean said worriedly.

"You ask questions like that a lot Dean and you don't always like the answers I give," Castiel responded.

"That isn't really much of an answer Cass, I'm guessing this has to do with their growing abilities?" Emma asked. No one had seen her come into the kitchen so she had been late to the conversation but she had heard enough to know what the issue was.

"Yes," Castiel responded "it has everything to do with their abilities, Mary is starting to discover she can control the elements, and Ezra, he's much stronger now since he's an angel conduit but he doesn't know it, as far as I know, now that Lucifer knows about Ezra being an angel conduit he will do everything in his power to use him,"

"Ugh, why can't he just stay in the cage where he belongs?" Kristina asked. "If I could I would keep him trapped down there for eternity,"

"I am afraid as of now I don't have an answer for that question but I can tell you this," Castiel answered. "Something will be coming in the upcoming months and it will be difficult for not just you but everyone else," he explained.

"Wait, it sounds like you're talking about the end of the world of Cass, which happens to us a lot," Sam answered. Something was different about what Castiel was saying; it seemed like he was almost afraid to talk about what was coming. "That is what you're talking about isn't it," Sam realized.

"I'm afraid so, I don't know what the threat will be and I wish I was more informed so that I could tell you more," Castiel said. "But until then you mustn't tell Ezra and Mary about any of this or not one will survive,"

"Way to make us not worry Cass," Dean commented. He didn't know what was worse hearing about the unknown event that was coming or that one slip up would cause them all to die.

"I am sorry but I had to warn you since you're my family," Castiel answered. "I must go and find Marina, but I will do my best to keep you all informed," he continued. With a flap of his wings, the angel vanished leaving everyone more concerned than satisfied.

"Why can't he just for once deliver good news?" Emma commented. Emma had been worried and she wondered how long it would last. She finally had an actual family and they looked at her like their daughter/niece, not some sort of monster like they used to. They knew this much, however, whatever was coming up in the next few months. They needed to be prepared, meanwhile, in hell, Lucifer had been annoyed he was locked in the cage once again. For once it would be great to stay in the surface world. There was one thing though, in the next few months he was going to break out of here, find a new host and go after the Winchester kids. Especially since he now knew the extent of Ezra's abilities. He could easily be used as a weapon against humanity.

"I'll tell you this much Winchesters," Lucifer said to no one in particular. "These next few months will go downhill for you. If you thought the first apocalypse was bad, wait until you see this one," he continued. "This one will be your downfall,"

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