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I climbed out of Catherine Hale's car and joined Trixie, Mike, Erica, and the rest of my friends on the porch. Erica opened the door and led us all into the house. We walked through the hall and up a staircase into a bigger hall leading to all the bedrooms. Erica led us past the doors and to a trap door in the ceiling. Chip frowned.

"Your not going to stuff us in your attic are you?" he asked. Trixie laughed.

"No dummy. The attic is actually Erica and my sister hangout, or it use to be before she went to spy school. Back when we were younger." Erica pulled down the ladder and led us into the attic. It was actually kind of beautiful. There was a big, undecorated tree and the walls were lined with sofas and string lights. There was a table in the middle and a shelf with books and games against one wall. 

"The sofas pull out. We can double up and there will be enough for all of us." 

"We'll go together!" Zoe and Jessica cried in unison. They had become very good friends since Jessica had come to Spy School. 

"We'll share!" Mike and Trixie said quickly, but Erica shook her head.

"Oh no you don't." she said, grabbing Trixie's arm and dragging her over to a sofa. "you're sharing with me." Trixie frowned.

"But Mike's my boyfriend!" she complained.

"Exactly." Erica said, pointing to the sofa. "you and I are sharing. No more discussion."

"Then I guess its Ben and I and Chip and Jawa." Mike said, joining me on a couch. 

"What should we do?" Zoe asked. Trixie stood, pulling a paper from her pocket. 

"I know its kind of dumb but I made a schedule." she laughed. 

"Whats first pookie?" Mike asked. Erica coughed, looking sick.

"Please. Quit with the nicknames. I'm gonna be sick." Trixie rolled her eyes and continued.

"We have four days till Christmas, so we have lots to do. Gifts, decorations, cooking, and games of course."

"Why don't we start with the tree?" Jawa suggested. Trixie nodded. 

"Okay! Erica, Ben, I need the two of you to get the lights and ornaments from the garage. The rest of you stay with me." Erica led me down the ladder and then to the first floor, where we left the house and went into the garage. 

"The Christmas boxes are over here." Erica said, taking my hand and leading me over to the back of the room. There was a stack of plastic boxes labeled lights and ornaments, and Erica and I began moving them to the front of the garage. As I bent over to pick up a box I heard a crashing noise. 

"Erica?" I asked, worried, spinning around. "are you okay- OH MY GOD!" I gasped, heartbeat revving up. Erica lay on the floor, unconscious, the box she had been carrying laying on the floor beside her.  

Spy School Christmas CheerWhere stories live. Discover now