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Hey you! How are you? If you're reading this I just want to thank you for taking time off your day to read this! I think you're awesome :D! ENJOY!


I find it quite funny,

How I trust people who

I think are worth my time.

But in reality, they couldn't give

Less of a shit about me.

So there I am trusting them,

Telling them things I wouldn't

Tell the average person,

Because I think more of them.

So there I am laughing with them,

Talking, playing, and humbly confiding

In them.

Then the next thing I know,

They're fading, leaving me all alone.

I'm heartbroken because

I finally saw their true colors.

They took of their masks and

Revealed themselves to me,

Making me scared and confused.

Leaving me alone and destroyed,

Trying to figure out how

To get back on my feet.

It's been a constant cycle

With them, and they always leave.

I find that quite funny.


I hope you liked it, if not too bad. LOL what I mean is, if you didn't like the topic, quite frankly I couldn't give a shit. BUT if you didn't like the way I wrote something or misspelled something feel free to leave a comment below and give some suggestions. Also give me a topic and I'll write a poem about it if I can relate, or just about what I think of it. BYE! :D

~Sidney <3

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