I miss you...

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I miss you more.
I miss our home
I miss my room
I miss my bed
I miss Sam and Jasper
I miss my corner
I miss our back yard
I miss my hoop
I miss Faith
I miss our tree.
I miss my rug, my desk
I miss your room
I miss the late night talks
I miss the laughs
I miss the movie nights in bed
I miss talking about our days.
I miss our porch
I miss our front lawn
I miss the fun we had in the backyard.
I miss the barbecues
I miss our hammocks
I miss how our family used to be.

I miss my school
I miss my friends
I miss my teachers
I miss the car rides from school
I miss coming home and hugging you
I miss your kisses
I miss your smile
I miss greeting you when you come home.
I miss how dad used to be.
I miss dad.

I miss it all and would love to go back,
But it's just not the same anymore.
Everyone changed for the worse.
Everyone is on their own
Everyone is in a different room.
We don't always eat with each other anymore.
We fight more
We talk less.
We ignore the problems
Or make them worse.
I'm sorry, I really am
But I can't go back.

It got so bad,
Maybe not in our life,
But in my head.
It got so bad I actually wanted to be dead.
I wanted to be free and never wake up again.
You're better without me.
I bet the house is nice and quiet,
Even peaceful with out me.
I hope me being gone minimizes the troubles, the stress, the tension.
I miss you with all my heart.
I really do.

I hate that I'm not coming back too.

*I've written you so many things. You've just never seen them... But this one is meant to be read by you.*

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