Black History Month Poem

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A big racial issue all around the world.
I'm sure everyone has come to meet the cruel world of racist jokes and statements at one point.
But not even half of those who make the remarks know what it was like to be judged by your skin tone; something you can't help or do anything about.

"Back in the day" as they say, negroes were discriminated against and prevented from doing things they ached to do.
But let's be honest it wasn't that long ago that negroes were forced to be separated from white people because they weren't "worthy" or they were "dirty."

White people felt the need to make negroes feel like they were always last in a race to the finish line.
How could anyone do that to a single human being let alone a whole race?!

White people were completely against a Negro becoming a lawyer, a doctor, let alone a business starter (person?)

A black person couldn't even go and try to buy that lovely house in the corner in a white neighborhood because the white people were scared.
And if they did buy it, they would pay an outrageous amount of money when in the end it wouldn't be worth it.
In the end they would still be mistreated, and be treated like they were garbage, and like they didn't deserve anything.

So let's take this time and go through our minds and never forget the past as it was hopefully the last of such a big struggle with equality.

Remember and honor those who shed tears and bled to have this freedom we have today.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24, 2016 ⏰

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