Lincoln vs. Saunders

17 2 5

1. Yonker High.

2. Saunders High.

3. Lincoln High.

Those were my high school choices...

But to be honest,

I was hoping for Saunders...

And now even more :( h

It all started on Saturday, June 13,2015.

Alexis said she got her HS acceptance letter.

I hadn't checked the mail so I didn't know...

But when I did I was super stoked cause I got one of my three choices! u

And that meant no Home Schooling for me!!! Whoop whoop! :D

Then everyone else in our group got their letters...


Alexis= Gorton (Now Saunders)

Nelson= Saunders

Mercedes= Lincoln (Now Saunders)

Victoria= Roosevelt (Now somewhere in Queens)

Isabella= Going to a private school

BUMMER. That's all I had to say. s

But then I got on Instagram  and scrolled through my feed...

And I come across someones post...

It read,

"Who's a Blue Devil wit me?😈🔵⚪️💪🏼" *picture of the school they got.

*SAUNDERS* I cried.n

Then I tried thinking positive,

"Maybe there will be lots of people from 30 at Lincoln..."


Again with my bad luck...

I went on Kik today, and made a group chat with everyone I had from 30 ....

It was about 36 people or so. i

And I asked, "who's going to what hs?"

I got a lot of Saunders

Like NO ONE is going to Lincoln!

I wanted to scream and pull my hair...

First him, then EVERYONE like


But life isn't fair like Mrs.Schwan says.

And now I literally want to like die and go to,


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